Aussie Adventures Heading North

Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015 at 03:20

Member - Muncey 72

After the rain we were all keen for some sunshine so we drove back to Port Lincoln to hand the Memory Cove key back, filled up with fuel ($133.9) and headed north to Port Augusta. Stayed at the big 4 at port Augusta which is a nice park with good facilities and a swimming pool that me and the boys had to try and yes it was freezing.
Filled up ($120.9 with a voucher) before heading to the Flinders Ranges. The scenery heading north is very unique heading through the historic towns of Quorn and hawker. Stopped at some old ruins which were the Wilsons Station Masters House late 1800. Stayed at Wilpena pound in unpowered sight @$78 for 2 nights not cheap but lovely area and you can chose any spot you like. There are so many walks/hikes to do that you are spoilt for choice. We done the 3hr 7.8km return walk to the Wangara lookouts via the old Hills Homestead. The views of the “Pound” were awesome and the old River Red Gums on the way were huge. We spotted Kangaroos and Emus whilst on the track but not the Yellow Footed Rock-Wallaby. We were able to have a fire in the fire ring provided which add to the whole experience not to mention warming us up as it was pretty cold at night. Luckily there was not a breeze and the stars were awesome.
Next stop was Brachina Gorge East campground. Driving there via Bunyeroo Gorge was a good idea as the track was good but the scenery was amazing, you’re basically driving through the creek bed. Harrison spotted the yellow footed Rock Wallaby on the way so we all piled out the car for a look but he was too far away then disappeared up the rock face. Got to the camp area and chose one of the 4wd drive camp sites just above the dried creek bed. Lovely area to camp with fire rings for $13 a night. Had a hike up one of the Hills next to us for great views of the surrounding landscape. Got a good fire going, Maz made some scones with cream and we had Curried Snags for tea in the camp oven. The History in this area is quite overwhelming with parts of the Gorges being formed 570-580 Million years ago. The different types of rock formations were so cool and just walking up the creek bed finding different types of rocks and shapes was great. On our way out of Brachina Gorge we stopped at an information sign and looked up to see a whole family of the Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby’s just watching us there would have been about 10 of them. We just sat on the benches that happened to be there and watched in awe for the next 15 minutes. I think we will be coming back to the Flinders again and will take a look at Arkaroola next time.
Nothing could top off what we had seen except maybe a camel pie at Copley which was yum. Also stopped at the famous old Prairie Hotel for a drink. Unfortunately a bit early for lunch and a beer so coffee and cake had to make do. On the menu they serve mainly feral animals, Emu, Roo, and Camel etc. Got some fuel at Leigh Creek ($154.3) and drove on to the old Ruins of the once town of Farina. Farina was established in 1878 with a population at one point of 300 people. The town’s old ruins are being restored by a volunteer group and there is camping just behind the old town site. As luck would have it, upward of 70 other campers here most are part of the Farina restoration group here for a special dawn service Anzac day tomorrow.
Woke at 5:30 to the sound of bag pipes being played so up we got with thermals and beanie’s on and went up to the memorial for the dawn service. Lovely service with a fair number of guys that had been in the service wearing there medals, a guy even played the last post on the bugle. At the start of WW1 when there were 300 people in Farina, 30 of them went to war 10% of the population. We had a hearty breakfast with everyone else which included rum and coffee hmmm.
From Farina we headed to Marree then turned onto the Oodnadatta Track and aimed for Coward Springs. The track was in very good condition with us driving at around 90kms per hr on some stretches. There are many old railway siding ruins as you drive to Coward springs which are worth a look. You can still see parts of the old Ghan track mainly old sleepers and bridges. Stopped at Lake Eyre South and walked about 500metres to the mud flats and collected some sand. So flat and you could see for miles but no water. Got to Coward Springs and choose a spot $42 bucks a night for the 5 of us. Toilets were drop toilets but you could not tell as they were very clean and the kids were not scared to use them. The showers were donkey showers and when the fire was lit, 20 mins later the showers were good to go. The hot springs was nice and you felt so clean afterwards. Kids were a bit disappointed that you could not do bombies!
The next day we headed to the famous outback William Creek Hotel which is about 70Kms from Coward Springs, had lunch at the pub and had a look around. The walls were covered in different money from around the world, business cards and messages left by all that have travelled through. Decided to head through to Coober Pedy as we were told that you could not stay at Anna Creek Station anymore. The road was pretty good hardly any corrugations but heaps of dust. Checked into the Stuart Range Caravan Park at $80 for 2 nights, nice and clean and has recently been up graded. Kids were gutted after putting on their bathers to run to the pool only to see it empty! I was creased up laughing. After setting up noticed the trailer plug to the car completely gone and just bear wires, must have come apart and dragged on the track. No trailer lights for now. Had pizza for tea from the caravan park (Nostimo) very nice, off on a tour of the town tomorrow. From looking around the area it looks like a tip with just mounds of dirt and scrap everywhere, I’m sure after the tour it will shed more light. Travelled 4300Kms so far.
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