Address & Contact Edit
55-83 Warrego Hwy
Miles QLD 4415
Phone: N/A
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Miles is located 339 km west of
Brisbane. It is situated on Dogwood Creek.
The town developed in 1878 when the railway from
Brisbane ran into troubles crossing Dogwood Creek. The delay meant that railway workers settled in the area. Shops, stores and pubs were established, and, for a short time, it became the railhead for supplies to the west.
Sitting at
the junction of the
Warrego Way and Leichhardt Way, Miles is a vibrant rural township known for its spring
wildflowers and a
well-preserved “living” pioneering history.
Originally named “Dogwood Crossing”, Miles was established on a track blazed by the explorer, Ludwig Leichhardt in 1844. Life as it was back then has been realistically preserved at the Miles Historical Village Museum. Here you literally step back in time to explore more than 30 buildings in a streetscape setting. Authentic and exact replica turn-ofthe- century buildings feature alongside amazing shell and lapidary displays and an extensive collection of war memorabilia. Self-drive tour brochures, fishing, and wildflower trail guides of the district are available from the Miles
Visitor Information Centre, also located at the Historical Village.
Don’t miss Dogwood Crossing where you will see seven-metre-tall bottle trees forming a stunning colonnade down the centre of the building. Here you can relax and explore colourful tales, local life stories, and epic events which have made the region the place it is today. There’s also a library, the
John Mullins Memorial
Art Gallery and IT Centre.
You can mingle with the locals at the Miles Picnic Races each February, or join in the celebrations of the Beef, Bells and Bottle Tree Festival in September, coinciding with the beginning of the wildflower season.