This event was held at Glenpatrick Reserve about 9ks north of Elmhurst. The event was attended by 10 people ( 5 couples) from the friday to sunday lunchtime. The weather was really kind to us, in the fact it was overcast and did not rain. Four of the couples also attended the recent National Gathering at
Lake Paika outside of
Balranald - yep a 4 week reunion. The group went for a small drive and walk to find an
old mine tunnel to no avail, but arvo drinks and nibbles was great. A trip into Avoca was made for lunch at the local pub, followed by a trip to the
lookout to soak in the
views, then onto 2 wineries. 2 of girls were in there glory knowing that they had designated drivers, as the 3 blokes do not drink wine. The following day, Sunday, Judy and I took the back tracks to
Talbot for the farmers market. This market is not to be missed, as I have never seen anything like it - 4 main streets in town with stores open etc. In saying this, I did all my christmas shopping in one hit, lightening the old wallet. We managed to get back to the
campsite in time to say goodbye to those that needed to leave at midday. We then broke
camp and departed about 1.00pm, as Judy and I only had to travel to her brothers
farm some 40ks away for another overnight stop and family get together. Although Bonz could not attend due to last minute medical issues, much enjoyment was had, and some new friendships made. I am sure others that went will also log their opinions about they gathering.