Last time it was Pezza submitting a gathering on my behalf, now it is reversed as his modem is taking a holiday IN TASMANIA!!!
We are going to spend the weekend of the 31st March and 1st April up at Landcruiser Mountain Park and invite anyone interested to join in. We will both be in our second cars so the harder tracks will be tackled by us but as most of you know, there is plenty of chicken tracks up there if need be and at worst we should only be disconnected from line of sight for short periods. At least there should be plenty of good photo opportunities and who knows Roofscooter may even get a payback photo this time. You all remember the photo of our ol'mate on the back of a Mack tilt tray after our last foray.
We plan to meet at park entrance around 9AM and camp at Cowah Falls (depending on crowds) and we will run on UHF 17 for at least an hour or so after getting there (again depending on whether anyone else is using 17 or not will dictate if we stay on 17) If you need directions or prices see this website
Hope to see many of you all up there.
Regards, Trevor.