Address & Contact Edit
Girraween National Park
Qld 4382
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Campsites in
Girraween National Park are not designated at time of booking. Simply pay fees online then turn up and select a site. There is a good range of site configurations throughout the 3 designated sections each with the same facilities and all interconnected via a driveway and all just a short stroll to the main trailheads that start at the
day use area.The 3 camping areas are situated on the southern side of Pyramids Road and can be reached by conventional vehicle.
Castle Rock camping area has semi-grassed and semi-shaded sites suitable for tents, camper trailers, small caravans and motorhomes. Surface area is hard decomposed
granite soil, dirt, grass. Facilities include shower cubicle (BYO shower and water),
toilets, unfiltered water (treat before drinking) and communal picnic tables and wood barbecues. No
bins, dogs, generators, power or
drinking water. Water should be boiled.