Marble Gum
Boab or Adansonia
Sturt's Desert pea
Gidgee or Stinking Wattle
Green Bird Flower or Rattlepod
Macrozamia dyeri or Zamia Palm
Honeysuckle Oak or Spider Flower, Desert Grevillea
Coast Banksia, White Honeysuckle
Frankenia (no common name)
Koch's Pigface
Christmas Tree Mulga
Flannel Flower
Red Flowered Kurrajong
Queen of Sheba Orchid
Coolibah (or Coolabah)
Desert Star Flower
Decumbent to ascending herb to 40 cm high, with crisped simple hairs or glabrous.Basal leaves oblong to oblanceolate, mostly 5–8 cm long, 3–20 mm wide,
Erect annual, herb, 0.05-0.3(-0.5) m high.
A yellow sun orchid
Small soft shrub to about 70cm. Smooth oval leaves in opposite pairs along stems. Small four petaled yellow flowers in heads at the end of branches.
Bushy, erect to sprawling, pungent shrub, (0.3-)0.5-3 m high. Fl. yellow, Jul to Oct. White, yellow or red sand. Coastal or near coastal sandplains & sand dunes.
Erect or spreading tree 4–13 m high, often suckers; bark fissured, dark grey-brown; branchlets angled or flattened towards apices, glabrous or sometimes finely hairy, often ± pruinose.
An erect herb growing to about 60cm high. Basal leaves oblong in shape 5–20 cm long, to 8 cm wide, margins toothed to lobed, smooth, grey green.
A wiry erect shrub that grows to a rounded shrub about 4m. Has grey triangular shaped phyllodes. Bears large golden ball shaped flowers in spring.
Leaves that glow in the sunlight crown this royal gem. Grows to 2-3 metres in height. The large stiff leaves enclose a cluster of cream or pinkish flowers. The leaves darken with age.
Not your ordinary bottlebrush. Beaufortia squarrosa is a medium open shrub. Leaves are arranged with geometrical precision - small and rounded, crowded along the stem in alternating opposite pairs.
Mallee, to 5 m high, bark rough on trunk, smooth above. Fl. yellow/cream, Jul. Red-grey loam, limestone. Calcareous flats, stony screes.
Tree, 3-8(-14) m high, bark smooth. Fl. yellow, Feb to Apr. Sandy soils. Limestone ridges & outcrops.
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