Little Styx River Campground - NSW

  Camp Free


DEG: -30.507778 152.366394
DMS: 30º 30' 28" S 152º 21' 59.02" E
UTM: 56 J 6624776mN 439203mE
Altitude: 1330.94m


Place Type

Camps & Accom - Camp Free


342.63kms South of Brisbane - Driving 447 km (5 hours 32 mins)
387.66kms North of Sydney - Driving 549 km (6 hours 32 mins)

Address & Contact

Pt Lookout Rd
Ebor New South Wales 2453
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Little Styx River is a small spot on high on the river bank above Little Styx River just off the main road out to Point Lookout. There is a lot of long grass and a dilapidated pit toilet that is not maintained (consider not available). There are no signs and no other facilities yet despite this, people still seem happy to use it because its free and more easily accessed than the others accessed via Forest Road. The camping area is on the north side of the river bank. There is a plethora of excellent (better) camping areas including the Thungutti Campground in the New England National Park nearby towards Point Lookout. Be careful of snakes and take care with fires in the long grass and take all rubbish with you.
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Closest Weather Station

Dorrigo at 21/09:00am EDT
Distance from Little Styx River Campground 38.34km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Dorrigo (Old Coramba Rd)
Distance from Little Styx River Campground 38.34km NE
Mean Max. °C24.023.722.319.716.914.814.316.019.320.921.823.6
Mean Min. °C14.915.013.310.
Mean Rain mm309.0288.7327.6140.987.9135.463.3102.687.4117.5201.5168.3

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