Rocky Cape National Park - TAS

Place Satellite Image
  National Parks,Reserves


DEG: -40.870331 145.509965
DMS: 40º 52' 13.19" S 145º 30' 35.87" E
UTM: 55 G 5474569mN 374438mE
Altitude: 105.81m


Place Type

Reserves - National Parks,Reserves


265.98kms NorthWest of Hobart - Driving 367 km (4 hours 16 mins)
346.39kms South of Melbourne - Driving 546 km (21 hours 52 mins)

Address & Contact

Rocky Cape National Park
Tasmania 7321
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A


Rocky Cape National Park is situated on the North-West Coast of Tasmania, a two-hour drive west of Launceston. It is mainly a day use park and is best discovered on foot. Choose from short easy strolls or longer day walks into the less-travelled parts of this park, taking in scenic hills, tranquil bays and rocky headlands. The geographical feature; Rocky Cape is dual named pinmatik/Rocky Cape.

The Park has two approaches. The main entrance is off the Bass Highway (A2) between the Rocky Cape township and Hellyer. Turn on to Rocky Cape Rd (C227) to access Burgess Cove, picnic facilities, the boat ramp and the lighthouse.

The eastern end of the park is accessed from Sisters Beach. Take the Bass Highway (A2) 12km west of Wynyard to the Boat Harbour turn off and travel 1.5km on the C232. Turn on to and Irbys Rd (C233) and travel 8km to Sisters Beach.

The unfenced road winding into Sisters Beach is used by many native animals. Take Care.

The fungal disease, Phytophthora, is prevalent in Rocky Cape National Park. Please remove the soil from footwear when leaving the Park. This will help prevent the spread of the disease which rots the roots of some native plants.
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Closest Weather Station

Wynyard at 27/12:00am EDT
Distance from Rocky Cape National Park 23.18km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Wynyard Airport
Distance from Rocky Cape National Park 23.18km SE
Mean Max. °C21.421.720.117.515.113.412.713.314.416.018.019.5
Mean Min. °C11.
Mean Rain mm44.048.547.673.397.0108.0129.6115.

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