Joondalup - WA



DEG: -31.74395 115.763687
DMS: 31º 44' 38.22" S 115º 45' 49.27" E
UTM: 50 J 6487280mN 382896mE
Altitude: 39.42m


Address & Contact

Cord St
Joondalup WA 6027
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


The City of Joondalup is a metro city within metro Perth. It is one of only 2 such cities in Perth (along with Fremantle) and is the primary urban centre servicing the northern suburbs.

Joondalup is a relatively new city as the the majority of land in the area remained largely undeveloped until the 1960s and houses and businesses were only established there in the late 1980's.

The city has a number of parks including Central Park and Neil Hawkins Park in the Yellagonga Regional Park. The Neil Hawkins Park is home to many parrots, including the Australian ringneck, cockatoos and kangaroos. The park sits alongside Lake Joondalup and wetlands which stretches out between Burns Beach Road to the north and Ocean Reef Road to the south. Joondalup's coastal front consists of Burns Beach in the north and Beaumaris Beach in Ocean Reef, running onto the Ocean Reef Boat Harbour in the south.

Joondalup Festival, an annual event that takes place in the CBD features markets, music, fashion, street arts, fairground rides and street parades. The festival is free-of-charge. Joondalup is a popular city for weekend nightlife at various bars, clubs and restaurants.

Arena Joondalup, is the home ground for one of Perth's oldest WAFL clubs, the West Perth Football Club. Arena is a multi-function sports facility with 3 indoor public swimming pools, including an olympic size 50m laned racing pool. It also features a gym facility and indoor group fitness classes.

The Edith Cowan University is located in Joondalup along with the WA Police Academy, a TAFE, and other tertiary institutions. Joondalup also contains a major public hospital, Joondalup Health Campus.
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Closest Weather Station

Hillarys Point Boat Harbour at 18/11:30pm WST
Distance from Joondalup 9.38km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Perth Metro
Distance from Joondalup 22.03km SE
Mean Max. °C31.131.629.725.822.519.318.418.920.223.226.429.0
Mean Min. °C18.118.316.613.610.
Mean Rain mm16.08.521.336.287.6129.5146.8121.487.539.724.510.8

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