Address & Contact Edit
Old Cemetery Rd
Adaminaby NSW 2629
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
cemetery was part of the
Old Adaminaby township which was inundated after 1956 by the rising waters behind
Eucumbene Dam (part of the
Snowy Mountains Scheme). The
cemetery is above the full supply level so was left intact. A new town was built in the next valley with some buildings moved from the old site to the new.
Please note that nearby in a lower saddle on the ridge another
dam wall (earth
embankment) was built in the late 70's over 20 years after the original
dam construction was finished. High water levels in 1974/5 almost reached the saddle. It was realised that should the
Eucumbene Dam ever get up near 100% that the water would flow over this low saddle down the Lockyer Ck and into the new
Adaminaby Township. A concrete spillway was built in 1977/8 near the
dam wall.