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Ingeegoodbee Track
Suggan Buggan VIC 3885
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The O'Rourke family name has a significant historical connection to the origins of the
brumby horse. Christopher (Christy or Christie) O'Rourke is one of many brothers who were horse breeders in the Alpine and
Bogong areas. Early settlers made their way to Victoria over the Alps, taking with them the horses that would later form each area’s founding stock. Most settlers were cattlemen but some focused on horse-breeding.
Christopher O'Rourke and his brother David first came to the area in 1843 bringing 70 horses and 2 sires. They were of the Steeltrap breed, and were turned on to portion of the Black Mountain afterwards known as Turnback, where the
bridge across the
Snowy River was recently built. These were the first horses brought into this portion of Gippsland and from them originated the
Brumbies which became so numerous in later years
Christy O’Rourke lived for the rest of his life at Black Mountain.