Bullockys Rest Rest Area - QLD

  Rest Area,P-Bay,Day Use


DEG: -27.273355 152.939652
DMS: 27º 16' 24.08" S 152º 56' 22.75" E
UTM: 56 J 6983286mN 494027mE
Altitude: 48.74m


Address & Contact

Forgan Rd
Joyner QLD 4500
Phone: 07 3205 0555
Email: mbrc@moretonbay.qld.gov.au
Web: https://www.visitmoretonbayregion.com.au/natural-attractions/bullocky-rest-lake-samsonvale


Situated on a peninsula on the south east shore of Lake Samsonite in the outer northern Brisbane suburb of Joiner, Bullockys Rest Rest Area offers the expected amenities and more. Its peninsula location provides an extended foreshore area that had allowed for the placement of numerous picnic shelters equipped with tables and seats, uncovered tables, walking tracks, childrens' playgrounds, adequate parking and uncluttered shores for casting a line into the clear water of the lake.

There are two toiled blocks, one near the road and the other on the peninsula by the lake. The entire area offers views of the North Pine Dam and the mountain ranges to the west of Brisbane. This park will accommodate large groups, but be early on weekends and public holidays.
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Closest Weather Station

Redcliffe at 08/05:30pm EST
Distance from Bullockys Rest Rest Area 16.32km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Brisbane Aero
Distance from Bullockys Rest Rest Area 22.87km SE
Mean Max. °C29.028.927.926.023.521.220.821.824.225.426.728.1
Mean Min. °C21.221.119.416.312.810.59.09.612.715.718.220.0
Mean Rain mm141.3125.999.679.0107.269.027.940.532.979.095.5136.3

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