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Eyre Creek crossing on the QAA line lies about 59km west of
Birdsville and 24km beyond Big Red.
It can be visited on a pleasant afternoon return drive from town. You get to cross the largest dunes in the Simpson - twice. There's just under twenty but they will be no problem in high range 4WD with tyre pressures at 20psi or less.
The creek may be flooded and be surrounded by sticky clay and prevent entry into the
Simpson desert. The upstream rocky Goonamillera crossing can be used as an alternative crossing but will add an extra 60km of travel.
The greenery after the flooding is a phenomenal contrast to the warm desert colours. Every season is different and conditions can change rapidly. In 2011 for example, the first crossing was not possible until late July. 2018 looked like another wet crossing in Autumn but was dry come winter. 2019 as of mid April had a flood coming down from
2023 and 24 floods had it closed to at least mid July. Use the Water Data site to
check recent water levels a downstream as there are no gauges nearby.