Stirling East Cemetery - SA

  Cemetery,Grave Site


DEG: -35.02047 138.7507
DMS: 35º 01' 13.69" S 138º 45' 2.53" E
UTM: 54 H 6122375mN 294781mE
Altitude: 458m


Address & Contact

130 Strathalbyn Road
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


The Stirling District Cemetery was opened as the Stirling East Cemetery in 1879. Before that burials had been made on private property, in the scrub and later in churchyards.

The first person to be buried in the Cemetery was Mrs Henry Fullgrabe. Indeed she was interred before the cemetery was properly laid out and only on the understanding that if the roads and footpaths happened to cross her grave, she would be exhumed at Mr Fullgrabe’s expense.

The most important person buried in this cemetery is George Woodroofe Goyder who was Surveyor General of South Australia from 1861 to 1894. He was responsible for exploring and surveying at a time of great rural expansion. He surveyed the site of Darwin (N.T.) in 1869. Living at 'Warrakilla' at Mylor, he promoted the township of Mylor ( established 1892) and the development of this cemetery. Mourners at his funeral included Hon.Thomas Playford I, Charles Dumas (scholar and founder of the Mt Barker Courier), Robert Barr Smith, David Murray, Frank Stone and Eusebius Wilson.

The Adelaide Observer wrote, 'The remaining passages of the burial service were recited by the Rev. P.C.W. Wise of Crafers, the mourners took their final glance into the tomb and all was over.

Before the shadows of even had begun to fall, the cold earth 'hid the buried friend' . But not from the memory, for his name endureth in his own immortal works.'
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Closest Weather Station

Mount Lofty at 13/10:30pm CDT
Distance from Stirling East Cemetery 6.03km NW
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Closest Climatic Station

Mount Lofty
Distance from Stirling East Cemetery 6.03km NW
Mean Max. °C21.722.219.015.612.19.18.610.012.114.617.519.4
Mean Min. °C12.
Mean Rain mm

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