Weekend Camping Trip Dad's & Kids (Wilbinga)

Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 18:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Over the weekend we had our annual fathers and kids camping trip. This year we decided to head to Wilbinga after some good advice from our ExplorOz friends. Being such a close location to Perth we left at 4pm on Friday afternoon when the kids had made it home from school. After a short run up the road we turned off to Wilbinga and made the sandy drive into the area just as the sun was setting.

We pop out at the main junction and decided to make a quick run south to source a good spot to stay for the two nights. It did not take long to spot an idea location right on the water. We setup our camp and were sorted before it got really dark, by which time we had a good fire, beers and meals all on the go.

It was really cold the first night and it we burnt a tonne of wood. Lucky for me the other fathers are builders and so we had a good supply of jarrah flooring and other off cuts. Saturday was a near perfect day, little wind and sunshine. In fact it got hot around lunch time during the beach cricket match. During the afternoon we lost one of the families as they had commitments for the evening.

As sunset approached it was time for some fishing and as you can see Clyde caught a small (very small) Port Jackson shark which was great for the kids to have a look at. It went back of course. He caught a few other fish also, I bailed the fishing I lost enough gear in the weeds and rocks so decided to sit and drink beer was a lot easier.

We had a good night on Saturday it was a lot warmer. The kids had a really great day of digging and playing around, it was great for them to be so carefree and enjoy themselves away from the electronic time wasters that we all see to get hung up on these days.

On Sunday morning we went into pack up mode as I had to be back around lunch time as I was doing a swim for MS event at Joondalup pool. My first swim was at 2:15 so had to get back, cleaned up and organised. We sorted the camping area into a state better than it was when we arrived (we collected a load of rubbish) and headed out for a short 1hr 20 run home.

All in all a great spot to spend a few nights, good company and good times were had by all.

David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Currently Mapping in the Field Across Australia Fulltime in 2023 - 2025
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