Jacks 2014 Adventure Tour of NE NSW. 7 bikes 2 fourbies and 11 adventurers

Friday, Aug 22, 2014 at 08:24

Member - jumpin

Following last years epic trip from Beauty Point in Northern Tassy to the Tip of Cape York and return via the Telegraph and Frenchmans Track Airlie Beach and Hamilton Island race week it is time to catch up with the adventure team and head to Clunes north of Lismore to start another tour of the Divide .We will spend a week in the area encompassed between Lismore Port Macquarie Walcha and Tenterfield with seven bikes and two vehicles .

Two weekends to prepare the camping gear and double check the vehicle spares and tools and pack the wagon .Tomorrow were all off to Bridport for a little drive in the sand back to Little Piper if the weather permits .

Flogging down rain as I woke this morning and looked out at the weather tree . Surely the team wont
be heading out to the Bridport sand dunes in this . After a leisure bacon and egg fry up I made the call to my old school mate Jacko .You still going ? Yes he replied , meet you at the Batman Bridge car park . So the day was on . Rained as we drove east to Bridport and aired down on the track approaches at the shacks . The day turned out fantastic as we crested dunes and scooted along the beach towards Bellingham .BBq at the old shack saw everyone fed to the Max and ready for the final few ks to cross the Little Piper and air up before heading home . Still made it home for a few beers in the shed watching the end of racing at eastern creek and bit of footy . Thanks to all for a nice practice day before the N.S.W. divide beckons .

Afew views from the dune tops on a sunny day a month earlier with Bear the dog

Final checks on the diff fluids. replaced the glow plugs that were getting a bit sluggish and did a radiator pressure test. Houston we have an issue , fluid leaking out of the top part of the tank .Quick call to Ashdowns and with luck the replacement will be their in the morning ready to cool the big 4.2 diesel for a few more years touring the big island and Australia .
Radiator picked up , installed and checked for leaks. Reinstalled an Aqualert loss of coolant alarm . Now a quick wash and sort the gear to take .
One more sleep till we hit the Spirit Of Tas at Devonport .The cruiser is packed with the camping and cooking gear to feed 11 hungry adventurers . Pack my clothes and camera gear and we are on the road .
Captain Jack Sparrow
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