Tips on preparing for our 5 week trip

Hi there,
My wife, 6mth old baby girl and Yours Truly have got 6 weeks to head off round Oz in our petrol 80 series. It'll be our first trip and I've done a fair amount of 4wding in the Blue Mtns, Stockton Beach area so am not afraid off the challenging stuff (though the wife might be!)

So, first purchase was Vic Widman's "Travelling the Outback" (v well written book covering off the main points) though hoping you guys can offer up some pearls of wisdom.

I've got a few questions below, but feel free to let me know your thoughts on anythign related!

1. Which off-road camper trailer to get? I'm looking 2nd hand and to resell soon after the trip. So far I've come across a couple I like the look of: a) the Aussie Sway Classic (well built, good reputation, and easy resell?) and also the Cub Kamperoo Brumby (lightweight, and again good brand). It should be light to pull (for fuel efficiency), a hard floor fold out, and suitable for me and wife.. oh and a space for the baby too! Am looking to spend around 10-15k

2. Route. Thinking of staying south of the Tropics (not a humidity lover) . Up via the New England Highway, Fraser Island then inland across the Simpson Desert towards Uluru and down the Old Ghan Road towards Adelaide and back to Sydney via Broken Hill. Any thoughts on doing that in 6 weeks? Too little, too much? Any other must see places on that sort of circuit?

3. Preparing the 80 series (perhaps this should have been no.1!!)
It's the 40th Anniversary GXL model. Am thinking of:
- changing the seats to something more comfortable. I am happy to give reupholstering a go, as changing for the Falcon AU 3 series seats in normal cloth might be a bit odd against the leather

- installing a snorkel. I am keen to do this myself but just wondering what tool is used to cut the hole through the bodywork (brave moment that!)

- installing a shower plumbed into the coolant system. Any recommendations?

I guess that's about it for now.. would love any of your thoughts to get me pointed in the right direction (literally!!)

Chris, Helen and Amelie!
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