Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 23:26
Hi everyone
Well...after my post on 22/3 above, I thought I would let you know the outcome.
We are now in Hervey Bay - after spending 4 nights on Fraser - with CT towed.
Feedback was quite right (no surprise) - no tagalong required.
Went over on Manta Ray from Inlet Point (nice guys) at high tide due (went earlier due to changing weather) - and had to take inland road. Yuck. High tide (ie short run up), tight turn, and badly chopped up soft sand = bog number 1 (it's ok - there only was one for our trip over). Not a bad one, but still quicker to do a recovery. Quick snatch out thanks to a passing Landrover - straight out. As people say, the getting off the barge landing is probably amongst the worst bit of the island.
Anyway - weather coming in that nigh was looking ordinary (30-40 know winds) - so we had booked
Central Station site.
So hard to judge when no idea of what to really expect. Anyway, bounced along inland track and made out way to
Central Station - only to find that the rangers had just shut the site due to the potential winds.
Everyone was moved to the
picnic area. With CT, we had to set up in the
parking area of the
picnic area. They only opened it the day before we left, and allowed to stay where we were for the last night.
Still have to be careful towing - on one of the nights a group arrived after dark. They had been up the Eastern Beach - and had been blown away due to the winds. They had a
young child, so drove back down to
Eurong hoping to get a room and stay there. No such luck - booked out. So drove to
Central Station and on way managed to snap tow hitch clean off CT (not treg - just traditional). Limped in - found main site closed, and came to picnic site. Let's just say they had had enough at that point. We cleared some room amongst the cars - and they got some sleep. They set off next morning in search of welding. I think Fraser will hold very mixed memories for them.
Over the next few days, saw the tourist bits like
Lake MacKenzie,
Eli Creek, Maheno
Eurong, walks from
Central Station, and various tracks etc.
Fuel at
Eurong - was $1.82 from memory - most expensive of our trip so far.
Dingo count:
- 2 in
campsite on second night.
- Approx 4 at
Lake MacKenzie (wandering car park and one on beach)
- 1 in
campsite on third night
- 1 outside
shop in
Eurong this morning long as you didn't have food, seemed not really interested. Actually glad to have seen them (and kids were too).
Both car and CT performed very
well - no drama on the sand at all - only a few soft spots managed easily with tyre pressure and momentum.
Even was able to return the favour of recovering someone from soft sand at beach entrance at
Eurong. He was very appreciative and was amazed at how many people had just driven straight past him until we came along.
Drive back along beach from
Eurong to ferry this morning was great - sun shining - breeze dropped (our last night was the only one without rain). Typical - last day often ends up being the best.
Weather was main negative - but we saw a bit in its prime. Glad we went, glad we took the CT. Thanks to all for the advice and suggestions.
Other negative was the number of backpackers in hired 4wds- who appeared (hope I am wrong) - to not care at all about anyone around them, the tracks they travelled on, or the rubbish they left.
Could have spent some time fishing if weather was right - otherwise happy with amount of time spent.