Simpson on our own

Submitted: Friday, Jul 13, 2001 at 00:00
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Most articles you read say to drive The Simpson with company.We have always done our travelling on our own ( Innaminka, Arkaroola,William Creek, Old Ghan to Alice etc )and are well set up accept we only have U.H.F. radio. Any comments would be appreciated.
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Reply By: Nigel - Friday, Jul 13, 2001 at 00:00

Friday, Jul 13, 2001 at 00:00
If you are travelling alone then rent or buy either a HF radio or a sat phone, and buy a personal EPIRB for an emergency backup.
AnswerID: 756

Reply By: warren - Sunday, Jul 15, 2001 at 00:00

Sunday, Jul 15, 2001 at 00:00
Jim We did the simpson desert, a few years back depending on the time of year you should have no problems But do insure you carry a red flag suspended high above your vehicle to warn oncoming of your approach. Because there are a lot of people travelling in both directions There is a sign at purnie bore advising of uhf channels which reads, repeaters on ch,2,4,8 west of purni bore i believe the rangers monitor uhf ch 10& 15 have good trip Wasa
AnswerID: 764

Reply By: Trev - Saturday, Jul 21, 2001 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 21, 2001 at 00:00
Jim, we arrived back home last night from the Simpson etc. We had a party of 4 but lost one when we were delayed he went OK and made it.
The red, or brightly coloured flag is a must. UHF channel 10 is the one used and if you go in school holidays, as we did, it will take you a long time because of the traffic. Everyone stops to talk. We travelled at 20 kph and by the end of the day had had a neck full of sand dunes. The beer around the fire was great. At this time of the year it was OK. There was more desert either side of the desert.
I have written an brief article on our trip. I can send it to you if you like.
AnswerID: 783

Reply By: Kevin - Saturday, Jul 21, 2001 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 21, 2001 at 00:00
Yes, we arrived back last Wednesday, after a great trip. You definitely need a flag, and if you are on your own, the higher the better, and UHF channel 10 is the go, but keep scanning for other traffic. On your own is much more difficult, as others can't hear you coming, and you therefore need to talk from time to time, just to let others know you are about. We did feel uncomfortable about the few we met going the other way on their own, as you couldn't tell they were there until the last minute. Make sure you have a good radio & arial, to get good distance reception, and check at the top of the dunes.
AnswerID: 784

Reply By: Jim Searle - Monday, Jul 23, 2001 at 00:00

Monday, Jul 23, 2001 at 00:00
We too have just returned from the desert. hired a HF radio, had a GPS and emergency beakon. never used a thing but in one day it could have been different. We passed a no of epople travelling by themselves. We got bogged and it was good to have instant help!! Safety in numbers. I got the vibes that some are taking the trip a little too causually. A shower of rain can change the conditions dramatically.
AnswerID: 789

Reply By: John - Wednesday, Jul 25, 2001 at 00:00

Wednesday, Jul 25, 2001 at 00:00
I travelled through the Simpson Desert this time last year as a single car. As long as you have a capable vehicle with plenty of fuel then their is no problem. Ensure you tell friends/relative the date you plan to go into then out of the desert and that you will call them all is OK on completition. Also speak to the local Police on entering the desert. I only had UHF/AM, no worries. Usually lots of cars out there this time of year. Use your scan function to pick up chatters. Best of Luck.
AnswerID: 798

Reply By: John - Wednesday, Jul 25, 2001 at 00:00

Wednesday, Jul 25, 2001 at 00:00
I travelled through the Simpson Desert this time last year as a single car. As long as you have a capable vehicle with plenty of fuel then their is no problem. Ensure you tell friends/relative the date you plan to go into then out of the desert and that you will call them all is OK on completition. Also speak to the local Police on entering the desert. I only had UHF/AM, no worries. Usually lots of cars out there this time of year. Use your scan function to pick up chatters. Best of Luck.
AnswerID: 799

Reply By: Ruth - Friday, Aug 03, 2001 at 00:00

Friday, Aug 03, 2001 at 00:00
Jim, you are probably back from the Desert by now but I'll make the suggestion in any case. You can now rent from Oodnadatta and Birdsville Police a Sat phone - leave it with the Police Station on other side. I'm not sure of the price - I think about $23 per day. Makes good sense. There was a fatal accident in the Desert this week - so pays to be able to communicate with someone.
I'm going to the Simpson Desert tomorrow for the weekend - looking at birds and the fabulous wildflowers which are coming out now with the recent rains and now the warmer weather.
Happy travels.
AnswerID: 841

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