Sunday, Feb 05, 2006 at 14:17
I was up that way late late last year & the job was nearly completed then so good to hear it has been done. I'd hate to see
Cooktown with it's rich history become another Noosa but I suspect that As Dick Smith was there in his blue chopper at the same time as me & rumoured to be buying everything at bargain basement prices I suspect that the "new" world may catch up. There was lots of real estate for sale too...The locals are very "local" though, went to the
shop on
the wharf for a sanger for lunch at 12:40 & told I could not be served until after the "bus" had been in at 13:00... Told that the tables needed fixing or something... Just one of the amusing things that happened. Went to the only decent eatery in town, the Chinese at the pub, was a great feed but the staff kept asking us if the meal was ok & people from outside kept ducking in & asking if the food was any good...In the end there was a crowd eating based on our reference...
Found that the best place to
camp was actually at Endeavour Falls about 33 km north, spacious,
well laid out, friendly staff & no one else there....
Oh and
heaven forbid that I should forget there is a "clothes off" beach there too, the Museum is excellent & the botanical gardens & cafe are worth a visit...
I think even Jimmy
Cook would have enjoyed himself there...