Monday, Nov 04, 2019 at 14:57
Mike, you're on the right track with both. The building has to do with accommodation, but as Rocco said, not in WA. It's in the Sturt Nat Park, on the eastern side.
I'll pay the "camel driven water well". It is actually horse-powered but it does lift water from a
well, as you say. There are two buckets, each attached to cables that run from opposite sides of the slatted "pulley". When the pulley turns, one cable is unwound so its bucket descends into the
well to be filled, while the other is wound up, so its full bucket rises, gets tripped at the top and empties its contents into the
chute. The water then runs into a storage tank for use and distribution. The "pulley" is turned by a horse harnessed to the long pole with the large, pivoting stirrup on the free end. When a bucket tips over and empties into the
chute the pivoted stirrup allows the horse to be turned around so that the mechanism works in the other direction until the other bucket comes to the top and is emptied. And so on.
The apparatus has a whimsical name. (There's a clue there.) Do you know what the name is, and also where this one is located - it's on an easily accessible NSW outback tourist/historical site.