Wednesday, Jun 17, 2015 at 23:58
You will need a 4x4 with that national parks consider 'A High Clearance Vehicle', in which group a Prado will fill nicely, as for a winch, not so much. What they are saying is don't try it in a Falcon.
From memory you turn off the main developmental road and drive one of the worst corrugated sections of the whole trip. I mean, it was horrible, no where you could pull to the side to avoid them, no speed was appropriate to skip along the top either.
Looking at the van model, if it has made it that far, then I don't think the cople of km of bumps will do it any harm.
You do have to ford a
Scrubby creek, it is a muddy looking creek and reasonably wide, hardly flowing, if at all and has a firm bottom. I went through in July last year and the water was a bit above my tyres and good traction.
We went north and turned off the OTT and headed to the bypass road before Cypress Creek.
This is about what it looked like when I went through
If you jump on Youtube, you will see some spectacular crossings, but most are early in the season and I don't think they have had much rain there this year.