Fraser Island Solo?? and any other must see places in QLD.

Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 21:08
ThreadID: 102605 Views:4071 Replies:7 FollowUps:7
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My usual preference is to head to the desert for holidays. Just love it. No phone reception, no crowds, peace and quiet and sensational scenery. But sadly I have lost the argument this year to the wife and kids (2 boys 8 & 10) and its off to Queensland this year. (apparently Birdsville doesn't count as part of qld).

While there we will check out the usual, Sea World, Wet n Wild and Aust Zoo.

However I am keen to also check out Fraser Island. So my question is, Is Fraser Island a reasonable proposition when travelling solo. I do have a fair bit of 4wd experience mainly in the high country and desert and we are well kitted out with winch, max trax and recovery gear.

Is there much difference between driving in desert sand vs beach sand. Clearly low tyre pressures are a must.

Do you have any recommendations for places to stay. Our preference is usually a mix of free camp and caravan parks.

What else should we be checking out while in the area or on our way back to Vic?

Planning the holiday over 3 weeks in mid September.

Thanks heaps for any suggestions.

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Reply By: Member - VickiW - Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 21:24

Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 21:24
Hi Geoff,

Just some common sense - don't drive through the (salt) water as much as possible, careful of the washouts /creek crossings as they can be difficult to see well, don't go crazy driving fast on the beach as there will be people walking and camping there too, don't get stuck below high tide line with the tide coming in :) Being aware of low tide times could be useful if there are narrow beach sections.
Wash the car afterwards (for salt water).

Otherwise all your desert sand driving experience means you will be more than fine. A lot of the driving will be between the high and low tide mark if on the beach which should be fairly good - only inland, or getting to the beach could it get softer. Also, you shouldn't drive above the high tide mark (other than tracks) as you could disturb / run over important dune habitat and nesting sea birds.

Have a great time.
AnswerID: 512586

Follow Up By: 2000 Red Rodeo - Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 21:31

Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 21:31
Thanks Vicki

FollowupID: 791133

Reply By: Member - Peter&Lynore - Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 22:06

Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 22:06
Hi Geoff.
We went there a few years back, ( Fraser Island ) when you get of the ferry turn right and go around the beach way, don't take the centre track as we did its all scrub and takes about 4hrs and only half hour around on beach,it is very nice if you camp be very carful of the dingoes as they are not scared of people don't wonder on the beach by your self, or feed them you have to keep all eskies and boxes strapped as the dingoes will open them, all rubbish must be taken with you even when just going for a drive the rangers check all the time you will have to get a pass look up QLD national parks.
AnswerID: 512589

Reply By: mountainman - Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 22:32

Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 22:32
hopefully youve got a long range tank.
fuel is very dear on fraser.
it would be over 2.20 a litre by now ?
it realy is pricy over their.

the dingoes are very very bad when we went in 08?
you cant turn your back on them.
they were in shocking nick, ribs showing, and they were soo hungry.
needed to cull a few to keep the others in good nick,

ive seen moreton island on the tv, and dvds.
and prefer that place, as the tourists realy over run the joint.. backpackers!! in their hired troopies.
kind of like a secret locals spot because everyone goes to fraser..
quieter, more relaxed.. no damn troopies to worry about !!
and you can have a camp fire on moreton, NOT FRASER. added bonus.
AnswerID: 512592

Follow Up By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 22:58

Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 22:58
Yep, Moreton Island is smaller and usually a bit quieter but there is much more variety on Fraser. Take your pick.

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FollowupID: 791038

Follow Up By: mountainman - Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 23:50

Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 23:50
no bloody dingoes on moreton..

you need at least 4days for fraser too. too see a bit of it.
youd knock over moreton in 4days, with leasure time ?
FollowupID: 791044

Follow Up By: 2000 Red Rodeo - Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 21:39

Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 21:39
Thanks, hadn't thought of Moreton island.

Might see if we can make time for both.

FollowupID: 791134

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 16:45

Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 16:45
mountainman , yes you can have a "SMALL" campfire on Moreton , you forget to mention that ALL that you burn in your campfire has to be brought in from the mainland , and you will still have 'backpackers' just not as many as Fraser because there are no troopies to hire , still bulk on organised tours ,, no dingos , yep ,but plenty of wild pigs of the 4 legged kind [and depending on the time of year plenty of the 2 legged kind] ,, as you state you've never been there ,, What you see on TV is not a true reflection of Moreton ,one of the BEST places to spent a couple of weeks camping [ find /book the right spot and Moreton island beats Fraser hands down].
FollowupID: 791464

Reply By: Allan B (Member, SunCoast) - Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 23:50

Wednesday, Jun 05, 2013 at 23:50
Hi Geoff, Fraser is definitely worth visiting but avoid holiday periods if possible as it is very popular (and populous! lol).
Obtain a Tide Table and observe it or you may not get back to your campsite.
With your desert sand experience and lowered tyre pressure you should have no trouble. The main difference from desert sand is that you may be doing 80 kph along the firm beach then swing into soft sand. It is in that situation where many have come to grief with the front outside wheel burying in and flipping the vehicle. The beach is a gazetted road and all road rules apply. It is well policed including RBT.
Some good information here.
Pick up a map when you buy the permit & barge ticket as you enter Rainbow Beach.
Lower your tyre pressure before crossing the beach at Inskip as that is usually the softest chewed-up sand you will encounter.

Free camping is available at several extensive locations along the beach and there are several campground with facilities. Our usual preference is "Cathedrals on Fraser" which is central and dingo proofed. Do not lightly dismiss the dingo issue, they have become a real hazard. We have had a sturdy plastic box with secure lid carried off and the lid broken open with the locking still intact! And keep the kids under constant companion and observation.

If time permits it could be worth doing a Whale Watching Cruise from Hervey Bay just a little further North. Fraser Island can be accessed from there also by barge. See here.

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AnswerID: 512598

Follow Up By: 2000 Red Rodeo - Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 21:44

Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 21:44
Thanks Allan,

Appreciate the tips for camp grounds.

When we visited Kings Canyon 3 years ago the place was crawling with dingos. At first it was a novelty. But with 2 young kids,we never took our eyes of them.
FollowupID: 791135

Reply By: Member - Rob S (NSW) - Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 17:08

Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 17:08
Hi Geoff
You won't be Robinson Crusoe On Frazer, There will be some around if you become stuck,
But very unlikely to get bogged with low tyre pressure, the worst parts are the tracks on and off the barge or Beach, soft and deep rutted, no real sand dunes to traverse like the Simpson Desert,and the worst have boarded tracks,
The track across Indian head usually the softest on the southern approach and you can usually find some inexperienced tourist stuck some were there,The track around Nagarla rocks is also another trap for the inexperienced to get to the top of the Island.

Waddy point top camping ground is my prefferd spot.Nice and leafy and sheltered from the wind, with coin operated hot showers and a fully fenced Dingo proof, not that i find the Dingoes a big issue,the beach is good a Waddy point nice shallow swimming pools for the kids at low tide and slower/less vehicular travel.

I usually try and get on the Inskip Barge early head straight around Hook point, tide dependant or up the inland track about 8 klm then on to the Beach and straight to Waddy point,set up there, and do day trips,
Orchard beach has fuel and limited supplies,Stop a Eurong on the way up for last minute supplies, there is a bakery there as well for Bread, pies and coffee.
Try and allow your self at least 5 days on the island.


Should find all the info you need here
I only ever made one mistake
and that's when I thought I was wrong!

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AnswerID: 512650

Reply By: Lyn W3 - Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 19:02

Thursday, Jun 06, 2013 at 19:02
At the present time the back side of Fraser Island has been badly eroded by the huge swells. In many areas there is little to no beach left and some camping areas have been washed away.

see this link:

Fraser Island storm damage

Maybe things will be different by September but with recent Government cutbacks I wouldn't think a lot of money would be spent out there. Maybe it would be better to look at somewhere like Woodgate Beach or up to Agnes Waters or Town of 1770 as a base.
AnswerID: 512657

Reply By: Barbera72 - Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 08:46

Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 08:46
Geoff, if I can add something, by reading your intro and usual preferences, I think you should stay away from the usual tourist spots on Fraser. As others pointed out, the eastern beach is as busy as the Bruce at least up to Indian Head so no way to relax there. The inland tracks are a total mess caused by heavy bus traffic and no fire camps anymore (very uncomfortable in winter). Hordes of tourists everywhere you go. Not to mention the Km of cars lining up to catch the ferry to and from Fraser. Moreton Island will deliver similar landscapes on a small scale without all of those downsides. But if you really want to go there and have the driving ability, you should go to either Sandy Cape on the northern tip (very tranquil camping there) or go on the western beach and drive up from Moon Point and you'll be almost alone with a beautiful white beach.
AnswerID: 512873

Follow Up By: 2000 Red Rodeo - Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 19:48

Monday, Jun 10, 2013 at 19:48
Thank you Barbera. Just the sort of info I need.

Very keen to avoid the crowd and happy to take the road less travelled to do so.

Thank you

FollowupID: 791484

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