North of Perth
Swan Coastal Plain
The areas north of
Perth found along the Brand Highway, and Indian Ocean Roads is best known for the carpets of amazing everlastings seen in fields of yellow, pink and white often along road verges. The area is also
home to a huge variety of coastal and inland
Perth - Jurien:- everlastings,
spider orchids, leschenaultia, fringe lilies, kangaroo paws and banksias. From October you can see the unique golden bloom of the Western Australian Christmas Tree in the Moore River National Park.
Mt Lesueur National Park:- this park lies just east of
Jurien Bay and is one of the most significant areas for flora conservation in the south of WA. With more than 820 species, this is considered an exceptionally diverse range of flora and includes many plants not found anywhere else in the world. Look out for: banksias, dryandras, scarlet feather flower, wattles, hakea neurophylla, blue tinsel lily, guinea flower and honey suckle. Orchids include the pink and purple enamel orchid, cowslip orchid, blue lady orchid, white
spider orchid and donkey orchids. This area is mostly only accessible by 4WD, however there is a newly constructed one-way scenic drive for conventional vehicles.
Jurien - Geraldton:- the
Geraldton sandplain supports river gums,
Geraldton wax, gold and oragne banksias, grevilleas, kangaroo paws, feather flowers, starflowers, smokebushes and eucalyptus are widespread. Good viewing at: Mt Adams
Nature Reserve, Arrowsmith River,
Beekeepers Nature Reserve, South
Eneabba Reserve, Wotto
Nature Reserve and
Tathra Nature Reserve.
Mingenew:- a visit to this town via the
Coalseam Conservation Park should involve spotting many species of coastal and inland
wildflowers with prolific displays of everlastings, possibly Kwongan heath, and wattle scrub.
Geraldton - Kalbarri:- the
Geraldton sandplain supports kangaroo paws, banksias, eucalypts and grevilleas, wattles, hakeas, dampiera, purple peas, smokebush and denser coastal scrub as you move north. Good viewing at local
reserves around
Geraldton such as Oakajee, Howatharra, Bella Vista and Moresby
Reserves. Also
check out Coolcalalaya Road near Northhampton.
Shark Bay - Carnarvon:- Shark Bay has its owned named daises, which are common around
Monkey Mia and the
Shark Bay World
Heritage Area. Look for: mulla mulla,
Tamala Rose, parakeelya, purple vetch, northern blue bells and green bird flower.
Coral Bay - Exmouth:- Cape Range National Park has a great concentration of varieties including Ashburton peas, hairy pepperflowers, Yardie Creek morning glory, daisies, wattle, native tomatoes, hibbertia, native foxgloves, Sturts Desert Pea, rattlebrush, green birdflower, toucan flower. Within
Exmouth township you'll see Stuart Desert Pea, Swainsona Formose, Flannel Bush Solanum lasiophylum, Bovine Indigo Idegofera georgei, Ashbys Banksia and Corkwood Grevillea.
The Northern Wheatbelt
Dalwallinu:- the start point of the "Wildflower Way" stretching north to
Mullewa. A popular route for spotting
wildflowers in the heart of the wildflower state. an excellent location for spotting wattles (acacias). The 2016 season has started with good winter rains. Roadside colour should increase after a bit more sunshine. Shrubs currently flowering (as at last August) include assorted wattles, blue dampiera, yellow hibbertia, red and flame grevilleas, thryptomene & blue boronia.
Mia Moon reserve is a 'hot spot' for orchids with pink candy, blue fairy, snail, leek, bee, donkey &
spider all spotted mid August. The lovely yellow pom pom everlastings are also putting on a good show. Jibberding Reserve has quite nice pink & white everlastings with large creamy pom poms here also. Wreath lechenaultia are also now flowering at various locations.
Dandaragin & Badgingarra:- good locations to view a wide variety of Kangaro Paws.
Wongan Hills:- The Piawaning Road which takes you to Mt O’Brien and Mt Matilda is alive with colour grevilleas, prickly toothbrush and pink poker, lots of acacia, smoke bush, tea tree, hakeas, isopogens and dampiera. Mt Matilda should be at its peak in two weeks (walk trail). The new walk trail at Gathercole is spectacular, the kunzea, calytrix, verticordias and waitzias in particular. There are a lot of late orchids in Elphin Reserve including, shirt, purple enamel, custard, leopard and little laughing leek.
Watheroo & Moora :- a unique collection of Western Australian
wildflowers can be seen in the parks and walks around town.
Moora also boasts two wildflower farms north of the town. Carnaby’s Cockatoo Interpretive Walk Trail The trail takes you along the banks of Moore River and around the
Moora townsite. Whilst walking you may be lucky and spot a white tailed Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo.
Candy’s Bush Reserve has a magical display of orchids, hakea, grevillea, banksia and
Geraldton Wax currently blooming.
Watheroo National Park has cat’s paw and a large number of eucalypts and wattles, lots of yellow, pink and purple colours at the moment.
Pindar:- wreath flowers are blooming beautifully at
Pindar. Travel 30kms east of
Mullewa to
Pindar. Turn north onto
Pindar-Beringarra Road for 10kms. Follow signs to wreath flowers both sides of dirt road.
Gascoyne Murchison
Sandstone:- hakea francisiana (Grass-leaved Hakea), Grevillea juncifolia (Honeysuckle Grevillea) and white everlastings are just starting to bloom along the bitumen road east-west of
Sandstone. These will probably be best viewed in a couple of weeks’ time. Eremophila (Emubushes), Senna (Cassias), Dodonaea, Calandrinia (Parakeelya), Lachnostachys (lambs tails), Acacia (wattles), Keraudrenia (Common Fire bush), Solanum lasiophyllum (flannel bush) and Ptilotis (mull a mullas & silver tails) are some of the other regulars also blooming/ starting to bloom.
Paynes Find:- a good location to find the rare wreath flowers (Leshchenaultia macrantha). We have confirmed reports (August 2016) of white, yellow & pink everlastings booming now between Thundelarra and Payne's Find. Plus out on the North Road 19km past Casuarina Creek, you'll find more everlastings.
Wooleen Station:- see white everlastings along Meeberrie-Wooleen Road.
Mount Augustus:- mulla mulla, everlastings, sturt desert peas, purple haze and fox glove now blooming.
Mullewa:- hakea, heath brush and
spider orchids are commonly seen here. About 100km north of
Mullewa along the
Mullewa Rad, you'll find "carpets" of everlastings along the roadside now (end August 2016).
North East & Central Wheatbelt
Pioneer's Pathway Self-Drive Trail:- lots of everlasting patches (pink and white and white pom poms), Grevilleas and Hakeas flowering (red, cream and pink) between
Trayning and Nungarin.
Trayning:- Billycatting Reserve - explore the two marked walk trails. White flowered sundews (Drosera sp.) insect eating plants at the damp base of the rocks. Maybe spot the rare Darwinia chiddarcooping with its amazing red flowers dripping in nectar. The
gnamma holes located north of
Trayning on
Bencubbin Road have orchids including spiders, donkeys and fairy.
Nungarin:- townsite and Mangowine - explore Eaglestone
Rock, Talgomine Reserve and Danberrin
Hill botanical walks and smell the fragrant Vanilla Bush (Grevillea sp.) and Kunzea pulchella splashing vivid colours of red.
Merredin:- hakea, Grevillea and Hibbertia flowering in bushland and reports of snail orchids in Tamma Parkland.
Wheatbelt Way Self-Drive Trail:- reports of Pterostylis sp. inland hairy stem orchids on the
Westonia Walk Trail near
site 8 Echidna Walk. The bushland is also beginning to flower with the winter flowering Wattles, Callistemon, purple Dampieria’s and other perennial shrubs around Koorda,
Gabbin and Billyacatting
Hill areas. Further south at Bruce’s
Rock Nature Reserve off the track there is Pterostylis sp. inland hairy stem and Pterostylis scabra orchids in open woodland.
Dowerin:- at Tin Dog Creek Reserve there’s an array of birdlife and flora. 8km past the wheat
bins at the
Y junction, take Amery-Benjaberring gravel road to explore historic
Minnivale townsite and
cemetery. Pink feather flowers line the roadsides and black toothbrush grevillea, kunzias and verticordia are blooming here.
Wyalkatchem:- has some great flowering
reserves, including Walk-A-Wyal Trail,
Wyalkatchem Reserve and Korrelocking Reserve. Find rare orchids, sundew, everlastings and fauna including Echidnas, Dunnarts, Blue Breasted & Red-Capped Robins. Along
Wyalkatchem North Rd to Cowcowing Reserve see the endangered
Wyalkatchem foxglove.
Westonia to Elachbutting Rock:- see the spectacular ‘
wave rock’ formation and Monty’s Pass, wattles, senna, grevilleas and hakeas are in full bloom. At Sandford
Rock Nature Reserve the Silver Mallee (Eucalyptus crucis subspecies crucis) and Purple Peacock Beetles are some of the rare species found this time of year. Starting from
Westonia townsite, wander the walk trail through tall Red Morrell Eucalyptus Woodland of the
Westonia Common.
Bencubbin:- plenty of wattles (Acacia) out and with great rainfall expect good displays of wildfl owers. The Shire of Mt Marshall has some pityrodias (native foxgloves) on Mukinbudin/
Bencubbin Road. At Marshall
Rock wander the walk trails with spectacular Wheatbelt
Mukinbudin to Bonnie Rock:- see wattle, senna, hakea, quandongs and some purple dampiera. On and around the rocks at Wattoning, Beringbooding and Weira, purple calytrix, yellow hibbertia and red fl owering kunzea. Mauve leptospermum (tea tree) fl owering profusely around the base with donkey orchids hiding in the undergrowth. Patches of pink everlastings on Masefield Road on the way to Elachbutting.
Beacon and Billiburning:- Sandalwood and
Quandong are fruiting heavily. Orchids including
spider and fairy can be found around
the granites. Masses of yellow flowering acacias are surrounded by a carpet of pink, white and yellow everlastings. Grevillia, Hakea, Eremophila, and many more species in bloom. Rare and endangered Sand paper wattle can be seen in the
Beacon Botanical Park and at Billiburning. A 600 species Herbarium can be studied at the
Beacon Visitor Centre (Mon-Fri).
Koorda:- very colourful tall dark mauve Verticordia sp. on roadsides close to Koorda. Call into the Koorda
Community Resource Centre (Mon-Fri) for locations and view the wildflower interpretation display. Wander the walk trails of Koorda Native Flora Reserve or Mollerin Reserve. At Newcarlbeon Rocks enjoy a picnic or
camp out amongst the carpets of pink and white everlastings.