Address & Contact Edit
Coalseam Rd
Nangetty WA 6522
Phone: +618 9964 0901
Email: N/A
A small reserve north of
Mingenew, Coalseam Conservation Park is rich in history and geology. It is the site of the first mined coal deposit in Western Australia, and exposed bands of coal seams can still be seen, along with the siltstones, claystones and sandstones that stripe the
cliff faces and reveal 250 million years of geological history. Due to its rugged topography, Coalseam Conservation Park has remained uncleared and is now a pocket of wilderness in the surrounding open farmland. Take in the
views of the valley above the Irwin River at the Irwin
Lookout. During the wildflower season, this is a popular site to visit due to the prolific display of everlastings which carpets the area in pink, white and yellow blooms after winter rains.
Basic campsites, you will need to be self sufficient. No bookings but fees apply.
Campground, Fossil and
Miners Camp are all good picnic sites. See separate listings.