Southern Cross Motor Inn & Tourist Park - NSW

Place Satellite Image
  Caravan Park


DEG: -36.358761 148.832031
DMS: 36º 21' 31.54" S 148º 49' 55.31" E
UTM: 55 H 5974700mN 664374mE
Altitude: 852.57m


Place Type

Camps & Accom - Caravan Park


123.2kms South of Canberra - Driving 149 km (1 hour 41 mins)
379.94kms NorthEast of Melbourne - Driving 609 km (6 hours 57 mins)
735.72kms North of Hobart - Driving 1344 km (1 day 6 hours)

Address & Contact

Middlingbank Rd
Berridale New South Wales 2628
Phone: +61 2 6456 3289


The Southern Cross Motor Inn specializes in affordable accommodation for families, school groups, tour groups and all travelers to the Snowy Mountains. Offering clean, comfortable and warm accommodation in the township of Berridale, central to Perisher, Mt Selwyn and Thredbo ski fields and surrounding villages.

Range of accommodation includes motel rooms, cabins and caravan park.

The caravan park does not offer casual sites; our sites are seasonal and can be booked either year long from May - April or should there be availability June long weekend to October long weekend. Take advantage of the snow when its at its peak condition, and take in all that the Snowy Mountains have to offer during the Spring to Autumn months including fishing, mountain and road cycling, bush walking and water sports on the lake. Rural setting, surrounded by farming land. Clean and tidy amenities facilities, heated during the winter months. Coin operated laundry facilities.

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Closest Weather Station

Cooma Airport at 22/04:00pm EDT
Distance from Southern Cross Motor Inn & Tourist Park 14.49km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Cooma Airport Aws
Distance from Southern Cross Motor Inn & Tourist Park 14.49km NE
Mean Max. °C26.625.
Mean Min. °C10.710.
Mean Rain mm50.552.445.537.727.035.729.829.436.045.868.451.5

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