North Lake Bonney Campsites - SA

  Camp Fee


DEG: -34.194966 140.429112
DMS: 34º 11' 41.88" S 140º 25' 44.79" E
UTM: 54 H 6216079mN 447400mE
Altitude: 16.02m


Place Type

Camps & Accom - Camp Fee


186.44kms NorthEast of Adelaide - Driving 225 km (2 hours 41 mins)
572.96kms NorthWest of Melbourne - Driving 717 km (7 hours 40 mins)

Address & Contact

Queen Elizabeth Dr
Barmera SA 5330
Phone: 08 8582 1922
Email: N/A


The North Lake Bonney campsites offer a great overnight stay for holidaymakers and those looking for a quiet location. This lake front site offers all the benefits of lakeside camping including swimming, fishing and boating. This scenic camping area is located a short drive from the township of Barmera and can easily be accessed by a two wheel drive and caravan set up. There are only a small number of formalised Campsites, and they vary dramatically in size, so please select the one that best suits your vehicle set up.The North Lake boat Ramp is currently not accessible. The nearest alternative ramps are in front of the Barmera Club and by the Yacht ClubDogs must be on leash at all timesNOTES:There is a nearby toilet but no potable water access at this siteDrinking water/water to refill tanks can be accessed via the RV Park in Barmera - this is also the dump point.
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Closest Weather Station

Renmark Airport at 11/09:30pm CDT
Distance from North Lake Bonney Campsites 22.75km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Renmark Aero
Distance from North Lake Bonney Campsites 22.75km E
Mean Max. °C33.632.728.724.520.016.816.218.622.024.828.931.0
Mean Min. °C16.
Mean Rain mm18.120.013.716.216.221.920.921.923.727.022.823.3

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