Big Red Sand Dune - QLD



DEG: -25.87904 139.053146
DMS: 25º 52' 44.54" S 139º 03' 11.33" E
UTM: 54 J 7136265mN 304941mE
Altitude: 58.89m


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Big Red is the largest and most famous dune in the Simpson Desert. It stands approximately 90 metres above sea level and 35 metres above the plain, although height may vary due to winds and dunal movement. This sand dune, which sits 35km west of Birdsville in Queensland, can provide an extremely challenging feat for 4WD enthusiasts,but there are alternate routes. The eastern approach is less steep than from the west. This side has several tracks, all of which reach the summit. The track over the lower and easier Little Red can be taken to avoid its bigger brother dune.

When heading out into the Simpson Desert NP from Birdsville, Big Red is the first and highest of over 1,100 sand dunes that run north-south for hundreds of kilometres. This landscape is dominated by parallel, wind-blown sand dunes ranging from 40 metres at Big Red to a metre or two at the western end of the Simpson. The striking colours and the huge expanse of arid landscapes are some of the reasons why many visitors are attracted to the area.
Big Red will vary in colours from yellow to orange to red as the photos show depending on the amount and angle of sunlight.

Originally known as Nappanerica Dune, this huge sand dune in the Simpson Desert lies on the western edge of Lake Nappanerica. Nappanerica roughly translates to "water that takes a long time to dry up". The dune was later named Big Red by Simpson Desert traveller Dennis Bartell.
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Closest Weather Station

Birdsville at 04/03:00am EST
Distance from Big Red Sand Dune 29.47km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Birdsville Airport
Distance from Big Red Sand Dune 29.47km E
Mean Max. °C40.
Mean Min. °C26.424.721.717.
Mean Rain mm20.933.

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