Address & Contact Edit
Helms Dr
Pink Lake WA 6450
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Despite its attraction to tourists,
Esperance is an isolated town and it is not connected to the electricity
grid. Before the installation of wind turbines, the electrical needs of
Esperance town and surrounding districts were supplied solely from a diesel power station.
The Ten Mile Lagoon wind
farm was the first commercial wind
farm in Australia. The
Nine Mile Beach Wind
Farm, built with the financial assistance of the Australian Greenhouse Office through the Western Australian Sustainable Energy Development Office, adds more wind energy to the local electrical system.
Together the Ten Mile Lagoon and
Nine Mile Beach Electrical Wind Farms have a capacity of 5.6 Megawatts and save about 10,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year. They operate in parallel with the 30 Megawatt
Esperance gas turbine power station.
construction of the that are situated on a coastal ridge 16 km west of
Esperance. This area lies in the northern extremities of the reliable Roaring Forties winds. The Ten Mile Lagoon wind
farm was the first commercial wind
farm built in Australia that is still operating.
Visitors are welcome - free. Simply drive via there via the Great Ocean Drive and take
the entrance road "Windfarm Road". After
parking, walk along the sealed trail and marvel at the sound, height and presence of this structures and enjoy stunning
views of the Wind
Farm and ocean.