Address & Contact Edit
Howqua Hills VIC 3723
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Howqua Hills Historic Area is a site of natural beauty. Set in a secluded valley on the Howqua River it was once busy with gold miners. An hour's drive from
Mansfield it is a popular spot for picnics, horse riding, bushwalking, fishing and four-wheel driving. The
information shelter at Sheepyard Flat North will give you the fascinating facts about this area.
Camping along the Howqua River is one of the best ways to enjoy the area. There are several choices - Blackbird, Fry’s, Sheepyard North and South, Davon's, Noonan's, Pickerings and
Tunnel Bend Flat. From your base, enjoy bushwalking, fishing and other activities. Bring your own firewood. No bookings or fees apply.
Nature being nature, sometimes conditions can change at short notice. It’s a good idea to
check ahead of your visit for any updates.