Gluepot Reserve - SA

  National Parks,Reserves


DEG: -33.762871 140.121307
DMS: 33º 45' 46.33" S 140º 07' 16.71" E
UTM: 54 H 6263789mN 418629mE
Altitude: 61.3m


Place Type

Reserves - National Parks,Reserves


190.66kms NorthEast of Adelaide
627.23kms NorthWest of Melbourne

Address & Contact

PO Box 345 Waikerie SA 5330
Phone: (08) 8892 8600
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Gluepot Reserve is located 1.5 hrs drive on well-maintained dirt roads north of Waikerie, South Australia. This 50,000 ha of virgin mallee scrub is a birdwatchers' paradise with 190 species recorded including 6 that are nationally threatened. These include Black-eared Miner, Malleefowl, Red-lored Whistler, Regent Parrot, Scarlet-chested Parrot and Striated Grasswren. A further 17 regionally threatened bird species live there (eg Major Mitchell Cockatoo, Hooded Robin and Redthroat). Facilities include a visitor information centre, campgrounds, birdhides, driving and walking tracks, and brochures. Environmental courses and workshops are held annually. The reserve's accessibility means it is one of the few areas in Australia where birdwatchers can relatively easily observe otherwise hard-to-find species.

The Reserve is open to visitors year-round. Entry fees are payable upon arrival, which in Nov '13 are $5 per day per vehicle or $10 to camp. The campground has toilets but no showers. Visitors need to bring own water for drinking, cooking and washing. Only gas fires are allowed. No bins are located anywhere in the reserve so visitors must carry out all their own rubbish. Pets and firearms are not permitted.
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Closest Weather Station

Gluepot at 15/09:00am CDT
Distance from Gluepot Reserve 0.36km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Gluepot Reserve (Gluepot)
Distance from Gluepot Reserve 0.36km E
Mean Max. °C33.832.729.025.020.517.216.919.022.625.329.231.1
Mean Min. °C15.815.512.
Mean Rain mm14.824.317.017.618.824.521.818.621.625.531.136.7

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