Address & Contact Edit
Unnamed Road
Williams WA 6391
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Barna Mia is an animal sanctuary with a difference. Nestled in the heart of
Dryandra Woodland National Park, south-east of
Perth, Barna Mia is a place to discover threatened native marsupials in a natural setting, and experience the wonders of the woodland. Once the sun has set the action begins.
A tour guide takes visitors on a delightful journey through the sanctuary. With the guides special torches, you can see threatened native animals such as bilby, woylie, mala, quenda and boodie.
Many of Western Australia's native mammals have been eradicated from their former habitats because of predation by cats and foxes, cleared vegetation and changed fire regimes. Preservation of Dryandra's 28,000 hectares of bushland enabled several native species to survive.
See website link provided for tour schedules, pricing and booking.