Pearsons Lookout - NSW



DEG: -33.166435 149.997833
DMS: 33º 09' 59.17" S 149º 59' 52.2" E
UTM: 55 H 6326258mN 779570mE
Altitude: 892.81m


Address & Contact

4100 Castlereagh Hwy
Capertee NSW 2846
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Pearsons Lookout is located on the eastern side of the Castlereagh Highway just south of Capertee. It is at the summit if a fairly steep hill with unbroken white lines extending several hundred metres in both directions. It is therefore much more easily accessed when travelling south, but if you are north bound the effort to turn and drive back is well worth while.

A plaque at the lookout point provides directions and distances to several towns and cities as well as naming the mountain ranges. Notably the directions allow you to identify the location of historic areas such as Glen Davis and Newnes, both notable for their shale oil production during WWII.

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Closest Weather Station

Lithgow at 22/09:00am EDT
Distance from Pearsons Lookout 36.63km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Bathurst Airport Aws
Distance from Pearsons Lookout 42.01km SW
Mean Max. °C28.527.224.520.616.312.511.813.817.020.023.426.2
Mean Min. °C13.613.510.
Mean Rain mm60.762.552.929.534.438.843.139.748.157.467.575.4

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