Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree - WA

  Historic Site


DEG: -34.49535 115.975021
DMS: 34º 29' 43.26" S 115º 58' 30.08" E
UTM: 50 H 6182442mN 405897mE
Altitude: 142.69m


Address & Contact

LOT 11897 Old Vasse Rd
Yeagarup WA 6260
Phone: +618 9776 1207
Email: N/A
Web: https://exploreparks.dbca.wa.gov.au/site/dave-evans-bicentennial-tree#:~:text=The%20Dave%20Evans%20Bicentennial%20Tree,public%20in%20the%20Pemberton%2


This is a very tall Karri tree first pegged in 1988 as part of Australia's bicentennial celebrations. Known as 1 of the 3 "climbing trees" in Pemberton, the Bicentennial Tree is the tallest at 75m above the ground. There are 165 pegs in the Bicentennial Tree.
It is built like other fire lookout trees that were used in the area during the 1930s-40s but it was never used as one and is only a tourist attraction. Named after local teacher and politician of Pemberton who had a special interest in tree towers.
Climbers make their way around the tree trunk via 165 metal spikes hammered into the trunk. There are actually 2 viewing platforms up the tree - the first one is about half way up. But if you can make it to the top you'll reach a large platform above the canopy where you can soak up the incredible 360-degree views out over old growth karri forest and glimpses of the Yeagarup Dunes and coast.
For the record, nobody has ever died climbing these trees! But it certainly does require some mind over matter to persuade yourself to make it all the way up to the top.
You can find the Bicentennial Tree in the Warren National Park, 15 minutes drive from Pemberton (off the Old Vasse Road). Entry fees into the national park do apply but climbing the tree is free.

Picnic area with toilets, plenty of parking. No pets allowed.
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Manjimup at 19/02:00am WST
Distance from Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree 31.33km NE
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Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree 8.19km NE
Mean Max. °C26.226.424.521.218.215.915.015.516.718.821.323.9
Mean Min. °C13.213.612.710.
Mean Rain mm21.819.136.675.0151.0191.1209.6168.3128.990.061.834.7

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