Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk - Stop 7 - SA

  Walk Track


DEG: -35.840141 138.128296
DMS: 35º 50' 24.51" S 138º 07' 41.87" E
UTM: 54 H 6029974mN 240624mE
Altitude: 25m


Address & Contact

Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


7. The assistant keepers’ cottages
The cottages were a short distance from the supply landing but look how far it is to the lighthouse. The keepers rotated 8-hour shifts so that the light was always tended. Imagine walking up the footpath to take your shift in the middle of a dark night with ‘thunder, lightning and rain’ or ‘squalls with hail and rain’. Your map shows how the original footpath took the shortest (and steepest) route to the lighthouse.
The path you will take follows a gentler slope.
Photographs of the original cottages, the landing, ships and shipwrecks are displayed in the visitor centre.
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Closest Weather Station

Cape Willoughby at 22/08:00pm CDT
Distance from Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk - Stop 7 0.48km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Cape Willoughby
Distance from Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk - Stop 7 0.48km SE
Mean Max. °C21.621.820.819.116.914.914.214.515.917.619.120.6
Mean Min. °C15.816.415.614.212.510.89.89.610.311.413.014.4
Mean Rain mm18.318.021.539.561.675.281.573.956.241.928.323.0

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