Entering Flinders Chase National Park
Kangaroo Island is Australia’s third largest Island and is very unique in both terms of Fauna and Flora with many species found no where else living or growing naturally in the world. Over 30% of the Island is under the control of National Parks and Wildlife and for very good reasons and these special draw-cards attract tourist from all around the world. Of these Conservation and National Parks, the largest on
Kangaroo Island is
Flinders Chase National Park that occupies most of the western park of the Island and covers an area of around 328km2 and was established in 1919.
Flinders Chase National Park, you will see dozens of Tourist Coaches, Campervans and private vehicles at all the major attractions like
Remarkable Rocks,
Admirals Arch, the
Cape du Couedic Lighthouse and New Zealand Fur Seal Colony which are all serviced by good bitumen roads. The same can not be said the moment that you leave the bitumen and hit the dirt roads that criss cross the Island. We have driven Shackle Road a couple of times, with the first time being quite wet, so I made a promise to myself that we would see this great drive again when it was fine weather.
Even though we had a 12 month
Kangaroo Island Tour Pass that is put out by the Department for Environment and
Heritage, which gave us twelve months free unlimited access to all the paying Tourist attractions run by National Parks, we still had to stop and collect our daily free pass at the Flinders Chase
Visitor Information Centre. The Centre is a great stop for all the latest information as
well as there are Rangers on hand to answer any questions that you would like to be answered. After a great Cappuccino Coffee and a Hot Chocolate from the
well appointed cafeteria, we headed back to the
carpark armed with our permit to enter the park, as
well as a small but
well put together booklet for the drive, with a list and brief description of all the numbered stops and what we knew we were going to see.

Cape du Couedic Lightstation

New Zealand Fur Seal Colony

Admirals Arch

Boardwalk to Remarkable Rocks

Things to see and do in Flinders Chase National Park

Inside the Visitor Centre
Within 300 metres of leaving the
carpark and back on the main highway down to to the main tourist attractions, it was time to leave the bitumen and turn right onto the main west coast road and we were immediately into the very tall Eucalypts that tower over the narrow dirt road. It is during this first section of track that we were lucky enough to spot a Koala high up in the trees. After passing and stopping at the first three stops that are part of the Shackle Road Drive, we came to the first
track intersection, with the road to our left heading out to
West Bay, while we turned right at the official start of Shackle Road. What made this drive even better were the brilliant displays of
wildflowers that carpeted the sides of the road and added extra colour to the usually green landscape.

Around 300 metres from the Carpark, turn right and follow signs

Thick vegetation on both sides of the road

All Points of Interest are indicated by this type of Sign

Shackle Road Drive

If you are lucky, you may even see a Koala

Approaching the one way Rocky River Bridge

Rocky River

Shackle Road Drive

Shackle Road Drive

We are now at Shackle Road

The start of Shackle Road

Shackle Road Drive

Roadside Vegetation

Shackle Road

Shackle Road Drive

This was once a boardwalk, but was destroyed by the the 2007 Bushfires that devastated the Park

Crystal clear water at Bullock Waterhole

This is how close the fire came to destroying this sign

Shackle Road Drive

Playford Highway Intersection - time to head to Cape Borda
After many unscheduled stops for the many species of
wildflowers and of course the official stops along Shackle Road, we arrived at the next major
intersection on the Playford Highway. From here we turned to the left and headed for
Cape Borda, as we intended to take the 12.30pm Light Station tour, which includes the daily 1pm firing of the original
Cape Borda Cannon. For those that have made the trip out to
Cape Borda before will know that it used to be compared to a very
well travelled outback road, complete with some good corrugations.
Well not so this time as the road was now getting regular gradings and we were surprised just how good the road was to travel on.
We by past the other Shackle Road official stops, as we were running short of time and we intended to visit those stops on our return trip back to where we were camping. Arriving at
Cape Borda the small
Carpark was full, so we headed for the
overflow carpark with 15 minutes up our sleeves. As was to be expected at this remote location that sits high on the cliffs which are some of the tallest in South Australia, the strong wind had everyone sheltering in the lee of the buildings out of the wind. After a tour of the
Cape Borda museum, we all made our way inside of the very unique Lightstation which is South Australia’s third oldest and was built in 1858. Unlike all traditional tall and round lighthouses from around the world, the
Cape Borda Lighthouse is very unique, as the
lighthouse is South Australia’s only square
lighthouse and only 10 metres tall. Sitting on top of the cliffs and 155 metres above the ocean below, the intensity of the 1000w Tungsten light at night can be seen 21 Nautical
Miles or nearly 39 kilometres out to sea. Making our way back out into the wind, we all gathered to hear the very loud cannon fire which also marked the end of the tour.

Heading towards Cape Borda

Lightstation Tour Times

Cape Borda unique square Lightstation

Cape Borda Museum

Old buildings at Cape Borda

Old Building at Cape Borda

The old Lightkeeps Houses are now for tourist accommodation

Cape Borda Cannon

The 1000w light

The top of the Lightstation

Preparing the Cannon for firing

The coastal cliffs at Cape Borda are some of the tallest in South Australia
Before heading back to the car, we did the small 1 kilometre Clifftop Hike, where at the end of the walk, we stood at the small
lookout which gave commanding
views from the top of the cliffs. We looked in vein for the whale that I had a very quick glimpse at while at the
lighthouse, but we could see nothing, so he headed back to the car. Every now and then in a small sheltered pocket, a Tamar Wallaby would look up at the strangers walking by and them close its eyes again soaking up the sun and having its mid day siesta. By the time that we walked back to the
carpark, most of the vehicles had already left, which was great, as we would not have to be following in someone else's dust. After leaving the
Carpark, we travelled the short distance to
Scott Cove Lookout and had a
lunch stop. The afternoon was perfect and the breeze had now died down completely and it was great just great to look out over the Cove. We followed a small path to the edge of the cliffs and sat down an admired the
views and again there was no
sign of the whale that I thought that I had seen.

The view from Scott Cove Carpark

Scott Cove

Coastline at Scott Cove

Get ship wrecked here and you see how it would be a hopeless situation
Heading further east, it was a quick photo stop at the
Harveys Return Cemetery before heading to the
Harveys Return Campground, not to set up
camp, but to take Fiona on the small, but challenging hike down the only accessible place in the area where you can hike down the steep and rugged track to
the beach and cove below. The route of the hike is the very same route that the
Cape Borda Lightkeepers used over a hundred years ago to haul their supplies up from
Harveys Return using a horse and capstan and small rail car. After a long but slow half walk, half slide down the steep and very washed away track, we were finally down the bottom and were now
rock hopping our way towards what is left of the old base where the crane was positioned and Fiona yelled out ‘I just saw a whale’. This time it was Fiona who spotted it first and I knew that she would not have been seeing things, so we continued our
rock hopping and once at the old structure, founds as comfortable spot as possible and then spent the next hour and a half in full gaze, as not one, but two Southern Right Whales frolicked less than 100 metres from the shore line.

Heading back towards Harveys Return

Harveys Return Cemetery

This poor young boy died from falling from the cliffs at Cape Borda

Memorial cairn at the Harveys Return Cemetery

Harveys Return Campground

At the start of the Harveys Return Hike

The start of the hike

So far so good, why do they rate it Hard???

Site of where the horse and capstan were put into action

Original sleeper from the trolley track

And now it goes straight down

Don't slip Fiona, it's a long way down - and those rocks.....

Not much further

Photos never do justice.....its is far steeper that it looks and very slippery

Nearly at the bottom

Now we had to rock hop to the old crane site

Pressure from the past are clearly shown in this large piece of rock

More examples of the geological history at Harveys Return

More examples from the past and shows how steep it is

Remains of where the crane was located

This small bay has seen a lot of events unfold over the years

Two Southern Right Whales very close to the coast

Petroica goodenovii - Female Red Capped Robin
This really set off the day’s events as we watched in ore in such a very pretty location. We could have watched them for ever, but it was now 4.45pm and we still had to make the long haul back up the
cliff to the
carpark. Back at the car, we set off back to the Western KI Caravan Park via the quicker and bitumen road on the West End Highway which was still
well over an hour away. The Drive ended up taking far longer, as the biggest fear now was hitting one of the very tall and
well built
Kangaroo Island Kangaroos that were continually dashing out from the thick vegetation that lines the highway.
WildflowersDepending on what time of the year you travel through the Park, you can be rewarded with some great displays of
wildflowers. The following photos were all taken in the
Flinders Chase National Park, starting just outside of the
Visitor Information Centre and then through Shackle Road and finally at
Cape Borda.

Glischrocaryon behrii

Petrophile multisecta

Choretrum spicatum

Adenanthos macropodiana

Boronia coerulesscens ssp coerulesscens

Astroloma conostephioides

Goodenia amplexans

Choretrum glomeratum var glomeratum

Viola sieberiana

Prostanthera spinosa

Grevillea quinquenervis

Goodenia geniculata

Hakea muelleriana

Darwinia micropetala

Exocarpos cupressiformis

Prostanthera serpyllifolia

Cheiranthera alternifolia

Xanthorrhoea semiplana ssp tateana

Banksia marginata

Calytrix glaberrima

Tetratheca halmaturina

Thysanotus juncifolius

Phyllota pleurandroides

Melaleuca gibbosa

Eucalyptus diversifolia

Boronia edwardsii

Stackhousia aspericocca

Isopogon ceratophyllus

Goodenia ovata

Lasiopetalum behrii

Lepidospermum continentale

Orthrosanthus multiflorus

Orthrosanthus multiflorus

Bulbine semibarbata

Epacris impessa