Tanami track

Hi all

The other half and myself are going up to the Kimberley via the Tanami track in July and we will be towing a Bushranger off road camper trailer, with a 2000 model Jeep Cherokee. I have some concerns about fuel and availbility as the std tank on the jeep is 75L and I will be carrying an extra 40 on the camper trailer. On the great desert tracks map it shows fuel as being availble at; Tilmouth roadhouse, Yuendumu, Rabbit flat (now closed), and the following two places, Balgo (Wirrimanu) and Billluna (Mindibungu), with the 115 liters of fuel I will be right on my saftey limit by Billiuna and Definetly not enough to Halls Creek. So what I would like to know is, what is the fuel relability like at, Balgo (Wirrimanu) and Billluna (Mindibungu)? Also any other advise would be appreciated as its been quite some years since I have done long distance outback travel on dirt roads.
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