Jayco Dove & Chescold upright C100 Fridge

Submitted: Monday, Nov 24, 2003 at 23:31
ThreadID: 8730 Views:9439 Replies:7 FollowUps:4
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Hi guys

I've just discovered this site in my quest for more information on the Chescold upright fridge in our Jayco Dove camper and am very impressed with the topics being discussed!

I have a couple of queries about my fridge, which I wonder if some of you might be able to help with :). Please excuse the amateurs!

We bought the camper second hand a couple of months ago and took it out at the weekend for the first time. We had a ball ... but discovered that the fridge didn't seem to get cold running on gas. It works find on 240V. Anyhow, despite fiddling with the gas cylinder, checking the external workings, reading the instructions (I did, not DH!) and crossing our fingers and toes, the fridge still would not get cold. We figured even though the gauge on the front said that the pilot light was lit, that it wasn't working. However, when it got dark, we realised from the outside of the van that the pilot light was actually alight and on further investigation we realised that the top of the fridge was getting quite warm ... the fridge wasn't getting any colder. My DH rang Jayco today to be told that trying to get the fridge cold from warm on gas, was going to take a long, long time. It was suggested that we should get the fridge cold either on 12v or 240v before leaving home and when we get to the campsite, run the fridge on gas to maintain the temperature. I wonder if any of you with experience of this or similar fridges have any comments to make on this. Reading from the archives I understand that these are silent units which answers another of my questions as to why we couldn't hear any noise.

What sort of gas consumption are we looking at (in time and MJ) for this type of fridge?

Are there any sites I can go to for specs (my search engines have revealed little).

Is it worth having the fridge checked? Could there be anything else wrong with it? (I believe it to be an 88/89 model). Do they need regassing?????

How does this type of fridge operate?

Are there any suggestions for caravan fridge service people in Perth?

I appreciate any information you might be able to offer me. If it's too much to put into the forum, please feel free to email us privately at micknmark@optusnet.com.au.


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