Sunday History Photo / Vic

Submitted: Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 08:48
ThreadID: 84811 Views:4857 Replies:3 FollowUps:4
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At 11.50 am on 15 October 1970, a 367-ft (112 m) span of the West Gate Bridge, known as span 10–11, collapsed during construction. Approximately 2000 tonnes of steel and concrete came crashing down into the muddy banks of the Yarra below, taking workers and their machinery, tools and sheds with them.
Thirty-five workers lost their lives that day: many others were injured. Most victims were those working on top of the bridge at the time of the collapse. Some men were lucky enough to be on their morning break away from the site, others simply ran out of the way before the bridge fell on top of them.
The scene was one of utter devastation. Emergency services responded quickly and together with nurses, first-aid staff, and other volunteers, worked all day and into the night to search for survivors and account for the dead.
The whole 2,000-ton mass plummeted into the Yarra mud with an explosion of gas, dust and mangled metal that shook buildings hundreds of yards away. Homes were spattered with flying mud. The roar of the impact, the explosion and the fire that followed could be heard more than two miles away.

There were some miraculous tales of survival which came out in the days and weeks that followed the disaster.
In those interminable seconds before the huge span plummeted 45 metres (150 feet) into the mud and waters of Melbourne's River Yarra, a young migrant, boilermaker's assistant, Charlie Sant, had the presence of mind to sit down on a box and await the worst. It was too late to run.
Some others alongside him rode the bridge down and, while they didn't walk away, managed to smile through their pain as rescue workers reached them.
Then there was rigger Ed Halsall who looked up from the ground and saw the bridge falling on him. His legs took over from his numbed brain and he found himself running at full pelt.

As he ran the impact of the span hitting the ground sent a blast of wind behind Ed which lifted him off the ground and flung him to safety.
And assistant rigger Des Gibson still couldn't work out what happened to him. He was on one knee working on top of the span when it opened up in front of him like an earthquake's gash. He toppled forward into the bowels of the hollow span and went down inside, bouncing around like a rubber ball. Not even a bone was broken.

Desmond Gibson was 29 when the bridge went down with him inside it, praying. He turned grey within months. His recurring terrible dreams of the bridge falling brought on three heart attacks. His death on August 4, 1973 - from his fourth attack - at the age of 32 brought the number of men the bridge has killed to 37. The toll had reached 36 in December 1972 when a rigger working on the bridge reconstruction fell 170 ft to his death.
Derrick driver Vincent Rosewarne, 24 of Hastings , can thank a small piece of wire mesh. It cushioned his fall and bounced him back into the air like a trampoline while the bridge crashed around him. Vince ended up with a broken nose, two broken arms and a fractured leg.

The only thing Scots-born rigger Brian Fullerton, 24, could remember was waking up in hospital with his head bandaged and a long scar across his face. His mates in the Federated Ironworkers Union paid for his mother, Mrs Sidney Seay, to fly over from New Zealand to see him.
John Thwaites, 42, got away with two black eyes. "I feel as if I've just gone ten rounds with Lionel Rose," he said. John just grabbed a girder and held on all the way down.

John Laino was still wearing his John Holland safety helmet after the span went down, and boilermaker George Stassoulakos of Northcote also escaped without a scratch. "I felt a shake," said George who was walking along a catwalk at the time, "but I thought it was one of my mates doing something above me.
"But the shaking continued and I knew something had to be wrong. The bridge started to sink . quietly and smoothly. It was like slow motion. I grabbed the ropes of the catwalk and the next thing I knew I was under the water. When I surfaced I waited for the bridge to come down on me, but it was not there any more. I saw two blokes and they were hurt, but they could walk. We just waded out of the water, and lay on the bank. All around me I could see people. All hurt. All pieces .."
Section Engineer Bill Tracy, 28, of Cheltenham , rigger, Desmond Gibson, 29, of Preston and rigger Frank Piermarini, 34, of Lalor were among the initial survivors.
Frank, a rigger, and an Italian, could not remember much of the crash. "As I tried to scramble out the world seemed to go into a massive slide," he said in hospital later that day. " By some grace of God I was spared."
Bill Tracy died three weeks later without regaining consciousness.
Frank Piermarini died 10 weeks later. Desmond Gibson had nearly three years of nightmares and heart attacks before he died in August 1973.

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gift by Daughter

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Reply By: OREJAP - Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 09:59

Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 09:59
Hi Doug, A splendid post. I always look forward to viewing your Sunday history photos. Although only young I remember this tragic disaster & many stories of eye witness accounts from survivors. One tragic fact was there was a hut which was used as a lunch room directly under that span. There were workmen in that hut when the span collapsed. The West Gate Bridge disaster was used by Ambulance service Victoria Training College as a "table top" exercise when training ambulance officers. The main object of that & I suppose every training exercise is to learn from mistakes & past experiences. One particular action comes to mind on that day and that was the mayhem,confusion & panic. Ambulances & other emergency units gathering on the site blocking emergency vehicles (ambulances loaded with patients) trying to leave for hospitals. Drivers leaving vehilces which blocked exits having locked the vehicle and disappearing into the crowd of rescuers. All these facts came out in the Royal Commission. Consequently training of emergency crews was greatly improved.
AnswerID: 447439

Follow Up By: Member - Christopher P (NSW) - Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 12:58

Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 12:58
Nice research, once again Doug.
FollowupID: 719749

Reply By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 14:13

Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 14:13
Hi Doug

Thanks again for another great story. I always play a great song by an even greater Australian singer "Mark Seymour" and his song Westgate says it all. It would be great if we could link this song with your story.

Thanks again, greatly appreciated.


Smile like a Crocodile

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AnswerID: 447451

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 14:36

Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 14:36
Hi Doug

I will try this one:


Smile like a Crocodile

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FollowupID: 719753

Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (NT) - Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 18:11

Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 18:11
You beat to it on that, anyhow for you and others that might be interested you can download free software called "1-Click YouTube To MP3 Converter" and the get the soundtracks from from YouTube video clips, so I now have the song as an MP3 . the software is a 3.07MB download.

Get itHERE


gift by Daughter

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FollowupID: 719771

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 18:50

Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 18:50
Hi Doug

Thanks for that.

Here are a couple more versions by Mark.


Smile like a Crocodile

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FollowupID: 719779

Reply By: Member - Duke (TAS) - Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 21:37

Sunday, Mar 06, 2011 at 21:37
Hi Doug,
I think about that disaster every time we drive over the Bridge.
AnswerID: 447510

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