An ExplorOz 4WD Club

Submitted: Saturday, Jan 08, 2011 at 14:16
ThreadID: 83517 Views:4659 Replies:18 FollowUps:40
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I have been thinking for a while about the benefits of being part of a 4WD Club. There are places that are only open to members of a 4wd Club such as the Sand Dunes past Portland and lots of others. There are also some insurance benefits to memberts of Clubs affiliated with the VAFWDC, Vic Assoc of 4WD Clubs and some other things.

In a sense ExplorOz gives me access to lots of the other things that clubs offer, such as trips and chinwagging and learning useless stuff about tyres and fridges and eskimo's, but I think we miss out on other Club benefits. Part of the thing I liek about EO is that participation is optional in trips and things, and generally you get a mob along anyways. There are clubs nearby to where I live and breathe but I cannot commit to attendance at meetings etc that I think we could do via a Facebook page and online meeting type approach.

There would be some costs involved, to cover things like affiliation and regiatration and other running costs but thats part of life I reckon, anyhoo I am canvassing the proposal to setup a 4WD Club centred around EO and wondering what others think. So others, what do you think?


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