Saturday, Feb 06, 2010 at 18:43
The auto tune antennas don't have 24 feet of antenna inside, an auto tune antenna works like any standards antenna tuner.
The function of an antenna tuner is to effect a match between the output of a transceiver and the input of an antenna system. Modern transceivers can only deliver full power into a 50 O load. Antenna tuners are variable-impedance
transformers that allow you to transform the antenna system impedance (which can be almost anything) to 50 O for the transceiver. Some antenna tuners exhibit a wide impedance- matching range.
So in other words you are making the transceiver think it is perfectly matched to the antenna artificially.
As with most antenna tuners they can only tune so much and if the antenna is short for the tuner they will not tune.
An antenna tuner will not make a badly matched antenna work as
well as a matched antenna.
A 5 foot whip on a auto tune base will be no match for a full length antenna .....if it was the case why would we still need big antennas when a short one would do just as
The difference between an auto tune antenna and a correct length antenna (1/4 wave length and up) could be anything up to 3 to 4 "S" points, to do this with just power alone you may need to increase the transmit power 2 to 3 times.