
Submitted: Friday, Sep 05, 2003 at 22:04
ThreadID: 7056 Views:1678 Replies:5 FollowUps:1
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Looking at heading up to Birdsville next year, haven’t been up there for 14 years. Can anyone whose been there recently tell me how commercialised its become if at all??


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Reply By: greendog - Saturday, Sep 06, 2003 at 00:13

Saturday, Sep 06, 2003 at 00:13
hi rob depending on when you go we were up there in july just after the school holidays and it was quiet but do,nt forget birdsville is the main point to to travel accross the simpson so can be very busy at times cheer.s mate peter
AnswerID: 30238

Reply By: Martin - Saturday, Sep 06, 2003 at 08:52

Saturday, Sep 06, 2003 at 08:52
Not very commercialised - one pub, two servos and a camping ground. Add on a museum (great) and a coffee shop and that's about the commercial development of Birdsville. As said before, the camping ground and pub are busy during winter school holidays.
AnswerID: 30246

Reply By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Saturday, Sep 06, 2003 at 11:17

Saturday, Sep 06, 2003 at 11:17
yep I agree, its not very commercialised at all. I was up there for the races lasy year and even the museum is very "aussie", a shed full of stuff and a few smiling faces to say gidday!

So many places to go!
So much work to do :0(
AnswerID: 30251

Reply By: Gary from Birdsville Race Club Inc. - Wednesday, Sep 10, 2003 at 19:46

Wednesday, Sep 10, 2003 at 19:46
G'Day Rob,

I'm from Birdsville and I don't think it has become too commercialised at all. You'll still get great outback hospitality wherever you go. Whats changed then? We'll the facilities have improved out of sight and access to essential services like phone, internet, accomodation, etc. There are a few more attractions but most importantly for visitors there is a lot more readily available information about what to see and do and the history of the area.

Hope you make it up there again soon

AnswerID: 30712

Follow Up By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 11, 2003 at 18:14

Thursday, Sep 11, 2003 at 18:14
Next years the plan Gary, mite camp in ya front yard mate! Cya thenSo many places to go!
So much work to do :0(
FollowupID: 21809

Reply By: Rojac - Friday, Sep 12, 2003 at 00:18

Friday, Sep 12, 2003 at 00:18
Sould have elaborated a bit. Looking at heading up to the races, went back in 89 then again in 95. Somewhat different,did change imo over those years and did become what I call more commercialised, more accessible and unfortunately more d##ckheads.

Whats it like now?? Has the Side shows, ferris wheels and fairy floss replaced Fred Brophys boxing troupe??


AnswerID: 30840

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