Friday, May 22, 2009 at 14:37
Hi SR509,
When BMW bought Land Rover way back, they decided it would be a good idea to use up their exsisting engines in them, while they raped and pillaged Rangies technology to develop the X5.
The old alloy V8 we had at the time, was about 50yrs old then, and hadn't changed much since Land Rover bought it from Buick.
It was developed it as far as it could be could over the years.
In it's day, it was arguably be slickest mill around in a 4x4.
Lets face it, the old 3F Tojo motor was no work of art, and the Diesel of the prizes for innovation there either.
Eventually, the rest of the world caught up, and then overtook them with engine technology.
In more recent years, Land Rover, (and Jaguar) were fought over by various cashed up suitors. Ford of course owned us for a while, along with others, under the "Premier Automotive Group" (PAG) umbrella.
The crossbreeding and technology sharing amungst the group, and the Gazillions pumped into developement, resulted in the company moving back to the top of the techno food chain again.
I've long lost count of the Awards bestowed upon the latest crop of Landy's....and Rangies.
Interestingly, the Tojo's aren't nearly as well regarded in Europe, or even the States for that matter, as they seem to be in
places like Downunda.
The massive advertising budgets may have something to do with the affection, and one eyed views, many Aussies have for thier basic trucks.
Or is it that "Chip on the shoulder" we Aussies have, when it comes to our former Colonial masters?
The topic sure brings out the passion, one way or another.