Friday, Dec 19, 2008 at 17:47
Following out this afternoon, cheers The Landy
17:35 19Dec08 AAP-Christmas fuel supply should be OK, says Bligh
BRISBANE, Dec 19 AAP - Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has allayed fears of a fuelshortage over the Christmas-New Year break.
A shutdown of the
Caltex refinery last week has caused a shortage of unleaded and diesel fuel across south-east Queensland and northern NSW.
Ms Bligh said a long-standing arrangement between fuel suppliers would ensure
the gap in the market was filled.
"There will be no shortage of petrol over the Christmas period," she said.
"There are arrangements in place between all the major suppliers that when something like this happens that other suppliers will move in and fill
the gap."
She denied it would lead to increased prices.
"These are long standing arrangements, we've seen them used in the past and they haven't led to fuel increases," she said.
"Fuel pricing is very competitive out there at the moment and I think anyone who sought to take advantage of this will find themselves disadvantaged."
Meanwhile, the state's peak motoring body warned that panic buying would only push up prices and make the shortage worse for those most in need.
RACQ spokesman Gary Fites said motorists should only buy the fuel they need.
Mr Fites said the problem has arisen "at both the best and the worst of times" with some planning long Christmas trips but others staying close to
home because of the Christmas-New Year break.
Unnecessary fuel purchases would artificially inflate demand and make price rises more likely, he said.
A spokeswoman for
Caltex said supplementary supplies had not yet been found.
Only restricted supplies were leaving the Lytton refinery, she said.
The refinery is being progressively returned to production.
"We hope to be back to full production towards the end of the month," the spokeswoman said.
Arrangements have been made to ensure emergency
services vehicles remain supplied with fuel.
End Story