Muggon track Murchison WA

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 00:23
ThreadID: 44070 Views:7279 Replies:2 FollowUps:4
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The HEMA midwest map shows a track running of the Carnarvon Mullewa road. Starts at Pinegrove runs north to cross the murch river at Yallalong, then continues north past Woodrarrung Range , Wail outcamp , intersects the Butchers track and continues north to Muggon Stn where it becomes muggon rd east to Mt Narryer.
Any track notes or info anyone?????
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Reply By: Member - Russell H (WA) - Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 00:39

Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 00:39
It's easy enough going in a fourby, though I'd hesitate to go in a two wheel drive vehicle. The country has degraded over the years with overstocking and feral goats doing most of the damage. We've had bugger all rain this year so the Murchison River crossing will be dead easy.

There's not a hell of a lot to see, other than Tallering Peak (which can be seen in the distance and is soon to become Tallering hole - a victim of the iron-ore industry.)

The only fuel commercially available is at the Murchison Settlement - a small deviation from Muggon. I don't know if Muggon Bill still owns Muggon Station but he 's a bit of a character.

If you head West once you get to Butcher's Track, you come across a road that runs parallel to the easement of the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline. If you head north on that road you can go through Talisker, Yalardy, Gilroyd, Towrana, Winderie and Jimba Jimba Stations to Gascoyne Junction, crossing the Wooramel River on Gilroyd Stn.

It's not a bad drive but as a Scottish workmate of mine once said to me...

"You know what? Out here most of Australia looks like the rest of Australia"

....and I tend to agree with him.
AnswerID: 232096

Follow Up By: Member - Hugh (WA) - Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 01:26

Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 01:26
Hi Russell,

Amazing! I was just about to post a question regarding condition of Buthcers Trk, Mt Wittenoom Rd, Yalgoo Nth Rd. Seems you know the area very well so I may as well direct my question to you. Butchers Trk is shown as a minor road so would I be right to assume it isn't too narrow or overgrown through Toolonga Nature Reserve. Interesting that you mention feral goats as my father in law mentioned there were a lot of them up that way.

We will be in a Patrol with camper trailer in tow. Interesting final comment about the look of Australia... Travelling with a friend from the US and our sons. They aren't here for too long and wanted to go to Monket Mia. I figured the trip above and o/night stay at Thundelarra Stn would be a nice way to get back to Perth and show them a bit of our country side off the bitumen on the way.

FollowupID: 493003

Follow Up By: Member - Russell H (WA) - Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 03:08

Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 03:08
G'day Hugh,

Butcher's track is a doddle. It gets corrugated but that's about all. It is very wide for many k's and the only narrow spot is around Muggon.

All of the other roads you mentioned are usually in good shape - you'd romp them in with a Patrol.

Thundelarra to Yalgoo is reasonably scenic and the road is bitumen once you get to the mine at Golden Grove. There is a mix of salt lakes, low hills etc but North of Yalgoo, particularly after the Dalgaranga Rd crossing, it is pretty flat country until you get up to the section between Murgoo and Wooleen Stations.

If Wooleen Lake has water in it it can be spectacular. If you take this route, you'll go close to Meka Station. I once saw a guy mustering sheep on a 900cc Kawasaki road bike at Meka. It blew me away!

Not far west of Murchison Settlement there are the Errabiddy Hills and some nice scenery. You'd get in there with a camper trailer - we did.

Overall the roads are good, if not a little corrugated and they get graded at least once per year, so if you're lucky you might have excellent conditions.
FollowupID: 493004

Follow Up By: Member - Hugh (WA) - Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 18:12

Saturday, Apr 07, 2007 at 18:12
Hi Russell,

Thanks very much for your feedback. As much as I hate corrugations, I almost hope they are there to give my friend from the US a taste of them. Nothing but concrete on the main roads where he's from (Connecticut).

FollowupID: 493079

Reply By: Member - outback2 (WA) - Sunday, Apr 08, 2007 at 14:47

Sunday, Apr 08, 2007 at 14:47

We have come in from Carnarvon Mullewa road into Yallalong Homestead and then north to Wail ....with the previous Yallalong Station owners permission about 2 years ago.......track was Ok...but travelling North from the homestead to Wail can be quite confusing with numerous internal station tracks....knowing the then owner of Yallalong helped considerably.....(Wail is an outcamp owned by Yallalong)

Our intention was always to terminate at Wail and then we returned south crossed the Murchison at Yallong Homestead turned West ...on through Coolcalalya and out to the Coastal Highway

Suggest it would be very prudent to speak with the present owners of Yallalong so as to ensure that all is Ok with them and get their coperation.....despite what roads show as public access some of these run right through the homestead complex and you can find yourself wandering around their back / front yard trying to find which myarid of tracks gets you out of there......Leaves you feeling a little uncomfortable and invasive....Yallalong Homestead and Coolcalalya are both like that
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AnswerID: 232258

Follow Up By: Member - Russell H (WA) - Monday, Apr 09, 2007 at 00:32

Monday, Apr 09, 2007 at 00:32
Jim Stevenson at Coolcalalya is very easy going. If you are driving through his place, just pop your head in the door and say gidday. As always, take it easy when driving by their homestead, there are always dogs and other animals around and slow speed keeps your dust down.

Last time we went through Jim even told us where to find one of his "secret" camp sites.
FollowupID: 493223

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