Wednesday, Dec 06, 2006 at 22:49
I also agree with the above, as a grade five master for fifteen years I also had a few
sickies on board. My extras include the following.
No dairy food the day before including milk and butter or marg.
Don't drink or take with you any
orange juice or similar. (One instant chuck for every drink)
Vegemite on toast the morning of the charter. No butter or margerine.
Most definately keep off the grog the day and night before and during the day. Coke is quite good during the day but not too much.
Keep alert and in the breeze. don't watch the motion. Avoid the deisel fumes. Don't go below (downstairs).
If you do get crook lie down as your ears can't induce sickness when they can't dertermine the movement.
All the best and enjoy the day.
I was once told the only people who never ever get seasick are those who were born deaf. Don't know if thats true or not.