Petrol hikes hit tourism hard

Submitted: Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 16:30
ThreadID: 33329 Views:3106 Replies:13 FollowUps:34
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The other side of the high prices.

Small towns will go to the wall...

Petrol hikes hit tourism hard: survey
April 28, 2006 - 3:14PM

Soaring petrol prices continue to severely impact on Australians' travel plans, starving the domestic travel industry of millions of dollars, a new survey shows.

Tourism website found four in five Australians have changed their travel plans because of high fuel prices.

A National Visitor Survey released last month reported that Australians took 69.9 million overnight stays in 2005, down six per cent on 2004, while holiday vehicle trips over the same period fell by eight per cent.

Tourism Transport Forum Australia managing director Christopher Brown said the figures showed the harm high fuel prices were having on the multi-billion dollar domestic tourism industry.

Mr Brown called on state governments to use the additional GST revenue from higher petrol prices to boost their tourist marketing budgets.

"State governments have to stop shedding crocodile tears over petrol prices," he said.

"They have to fight to boost demand and encourage people to ... have a holiday in Australia."

The totaltravel survey was carried out in April including the crucial Easter school holiday period when prices reached record levels around Australia.

During the period surveyed, unleaded petrol prices in the major cities rose to around $1.40 a litre and up to 20 cents or more higher in regional areas.

The survey of 2,000 respondents found 43 per cent planned to cut back their travel plans, 38 per cent would cancel their travel plans and 19 per cent said it had no impact.

Mr Brown said some regional destinations served by low cost airfares, like the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Tasmania and others, have done well.

"But if you are in the Hunter Valley, the south coast of NSW, parts of WA and other areas where people traditionally pack their car and go on holidays, it has become a very expensive thing to do," he said.

"It's hurting regional Australia big time.

"There are 250,000 people in regional Australia employed in the tourism industry and every premier can start sending letters of apology saying why they are abandoning their responsibility to promote the economy and their jobs."

And the high fuel prices could start hurting Australians travelling overseas.

Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation executive chairman Peter Harbison warned that world passenger demand could slow.

"The growing oil price crisis sees the express train of demand growth coming into a lake of treacle as consumer demand slows while fares rise," he said.

"The express train is not yet stopped, but the slowing becomes unavoidable.

"This treacle effect is the biggest short-term threat to airline profitability worldwide."
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Reply By: hopscotch - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 16:53

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 16:53
I cannot help but be amazed at this report in the light of the past 4hours that I have beenon the Bruce Hway north of Brisbane. I left the Sunshine Coast a little before 1.00pm and while the traffic was orderly it was heavy and slow. Almost an hour and a half to reach Anzac Av exit. No accidents on the South bound side but a single car flip over or similar on the north bound side with all the usual tow trucks, police and fire engines.
Rejoined the Highway at 2. 40 at Anzac Av and have only just arrived hame at Nambour about twenty minutes ago eg 4.20 The previous accident had been cleaned up so no obvious reason for the holdups except the volume of traffic. The usual trucks etc but a large number of CTs and vans along with lots of surfboards and fishing rods so off for the weekend.
Accomodation on the Gold Coast must be near full as family member had difficulty making a booking in the past 48 hours for the weekend. Had to try several before they got a unit.
I have no doubt the price of fuel is having an effect but it certainly is not reducing the traffic flows in this area.
Incidentally the trip to Murrumba normally takes kless than an hour.

Kevin J
AnswerID: 169517

Reply By: Member - Omaroo (NSW) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 16:55

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 16:55
Did no one see this all coming? Sheesh! Oil is a FINITE resource people! It has to end one day...and no-one made plans.
AnswerID: 169518

Follow Up By: Footloose - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:15

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:15
Yep agree totally. But the current situation appears to have more to do with geo political events than it being the end actual supplies. Iran...highly unstable...Iraq...little getting out...oil markets are skittish, huge demand from China and India.
Yes, they saw some of it coming, but budget surpluses and re election campaingns have to come from somewhere.
FollowupID: 424846

Follow Up By: Exploder - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:54

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:54
Yep between the yanks Tare arsing Around the Middle East, The media doing’s it’s part to fuel the fuel debate, everybody helping fuel the boom in china and India and the man Osama doing his best to overthrow the west no wonder the chit has hit the Fan, So much for the new century of peace eh.

Let’s not forget that most of the Governments and friends of governments including the U.S president's family are all making money out of what is now going on around the world.
FollowupID: 424856

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 20:48

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 20:48
Omaroo, sorry but i gotta laugh at the touch of subtle irony in your post

"Did no one see this all coming? Sheesh! Oil is a FINITE resource people! It has to end one day...and no-one made plans.
'00 Land Rover Defender TD5
'95 Nissan Patrol GQ TD42T
'91 Nissan Patrol GQ RB-30
'03 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD"

Are your plans to buy up all the "gas guzzling SUVs" in Australia so no one else has any?
And this is not intended as an insult before anyone gets on there high horses!!
FollowupID: 424898

Follow Up By: Bilbo - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 20:59

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 20:59

It sort of, brought a wry grin to my face as well.

FollowupID: 424909

Follow Up By: Kiwi Kia - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 12:54

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 12:54
Finite yes but not for a hundred years at least !

There is heaps of oil, Athbaska oil sands in Canada have reserves of about 50 times what Saudi Arabia has ! And thats just one deposit. Oil is like diamonds , gold, pearls etc. it's a tightly controled manufactured market owned in good part by George W's mates.
FollowupID: 424994

Follow Up By: Exploder - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:06

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:06
But it’s also a lot more expensive to extract the oil out, where with the oil fields now it is a relatively cheep operation.

From my understanding anyhow.
FollowupID: 425013

Follow Up By: Kiwi Kia - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:30

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:30
Many years ago that was a consideration but not now. Four oil companies have huge extraction plants operating at Athbasca. The worlds biggest 4 wheel drive trucks operate in those mines. No drilling, no dangerous gas or pressures, no super tankers, just cold winters.

There are may other untaped oild deposits world wide. Close to home the Great South Basin to the south of New Zealand is a huge area that has been test drilled (I have a bottle of the light crude from there) but was considered to be to costly to put into commercial production at the time.
FollowupID: 425019

Follow Up By: Gramps (NSW) - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 18:13

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 18:13
"considered to be to costly to put into commercial production at the time."

Similar to some of the currently capped wells. As the price of oil rises it becomes more financially viable to extract the oil STILL available in these wells.

FollowupID: 425031

Follow Up By: Member - Omaroo (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 19:59

Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 19:59
FISHO - at least someone caught it .... :)
FollowupID: 425250

Reply By: ZUKSCOOTERX90(QLD-MEMBER) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:10

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:10
I will try & remain the optomist. Bob
AnswerID: 169523

Reply By: Redback - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:11

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:11
Yeah but i bet the same halfwits saving petrol money by not going away are still paying $2.50 for a 500ml bottle of water!!!!!!!!!

Knobheads, buying water in a country that has the cleanest water in the world (and New Zealand).

AnswerID: 169525

Follow Up By: Muddy doe (SA) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:43

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:43
Yeah - with you there mate. More money than brains!

FollowupID: 424851

Follow Up By: Exploder - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:44

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:44
Yeah I never understood buying bottled water. It’s f**king water you idiot’s, what is it Tooth decay has increased since the popularity of Bottled water has increased or something like that.
FollowupID: 424852

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:11

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:11
"Knobheads, buying water in a country that has the cleanest water in the world (and New Zealand)."

Are you implying that New Zealand is not part of "the world"?
Time is an illusion produced by the passage of history

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FollowupID: 424859

Follow Up By: Gramps (NSW) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:06

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:06
Are you implying that New Zealand is not part of "the world"?

Not as we know it, Bonz :))))) (apologies to Mr Spock)

FollowupID: 424868

Follow Up By: Member - Loco Locums - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:17

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:17
Good one Bonz...10 points....well if it's 2 dollars a litre for fuel, we're still leaving for Birdsville on Wednesday...

Cheers all
Rick & Julie
FollowupID: 424876

Follow Up By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 08:38

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 08:38
Hey Baz, if you can buy bottled water for $2.50 I'll have to put the price up - bugga, it's only $2.00 here.
(I do try and get people to drink water out of taps here but they are too scared)
FollowupID: 424975

Follow Up By: Redback - Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 17:55

Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 17:55
This is Sydney Ruth, the most over rated and priced city in australia, everything id expensive in Sydney.

Whats even funnier is the 2 main water companies here get their water from Peats Ridge from a rusty old pipe coming out of the ground north of Sydney, LOL, spring water haha what a joke.

FollowupID: 425212

Reply By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:15

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:15
And Brisbane airport needs a 2nd runway because 'the number of travellers will more than double over the next 20 years".
I have my doubts if fuel prices keep going up.

Maybe they should do what we found in Italy many years ago.
Subsidised fuel for travelers.
Bought fuel vouchers at the border that were ex tax, saved over 30%.

Maybe the tourism bureaus could do the same, get the government to agree to vouchers that can be used in a state different to origin or state of purchase that are excise free.
Most probably would be a good black market in them too!
AnswerID: 169526

Follow Up By: agsmky - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:20

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:20
If that happens, i'm off to live at Coolangatta :-)

FollowupID: 424848

Reply By: Footloose - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:22

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:22
I became a realist years ago. Higher fuel costs will push the cost of many things up, and some businesses and towns will languish. So higher costs being passed to consumers might mean higher wages to compensate (although recent legislation kinda puts that to rest!). So we have "upwards inflationary pressures " which of course the Reserve will try and squash with increased interest rates.
Fun fun fun.
Of course it might not happen that way at all......after all we do live in the land of Oz.
Where's low cost bio diesel when ya need it ?
AnswerID: 169529

Reply By: Member - Omaroo (NSW) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:27

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 17:27
So, if ethanol (for petrol engine users) is half the cost of petroleum to produce, and we have servo's selling fuel with 10% ethanol in it - where are the savings? I thought that the whole idea of using ethanol was to BRING DOWN THE COST and spread fuel around a bit longer. If my maths are right, current 10% ethanol fuel prices should be around 95% of the cost of straight ULP to the consumer.

Thanks, service stations, for telling us you use the alcohol and yet are not passing on any savings on to us. You are selling the stuff at the same price as the rest. Bastards!!
AnswerID: 169533

Follow Up By: Footloose - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:04

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:04
Diesel users have been ripped for years, as it was far cheaper to produce than petrol. But that was never reflected at the pump.
I see Brazil is using ethanol and will be petrol free at the end of this year. They even gave money to the farmers and production facilities about 10 years ago.
Apparently they even produce cars that can run purely on their new fuels at the same price as those running on dino.
And where were we when all this happened ? Why, taxing the ass*s off the poor motorist , of course.
FollowupID: 424858

Follow Up By: Scubaroo - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 21:44

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 21:44
United Petroleum charge 3-4c/L less for their 10% ethanol blends in Melbourne. The jury is still out on the economy figures though - not much point using E10 if you get worse consumption and end up using the same amount of dino fuel PLUS the extra ethanol.

High ethanol content fuel should be a reality though - bloody hell, if Brazil can do it, why the hell can't this country? Hello, Ford, Holden, Mitsubishi - you all manufacture engines in this country, get to it!
FollowupID: 424923

Reply By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:38

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:38
I personally think that the above report is a load of old cobblers. Said it before - nice to think that the rest of Australia is catching up on the cost of fuel - out here and everywhere else out there - the cost of fuel has been enormous. Still, no-one stops drinking beer because the cost of stubbies has gone to $5 in Innamincka, no-one stops buying milk because it costs $5 for 2 litres in Birdsville. Someone told me the other day a packet of cigarettes costs $25! Doesn't stop people from smoking. Not once have I ever heard anyone complain that they couldn't go on holidays because BEER costs too much.
Ask someone in the tourism industry if the figures are down? By that I mean, ask someone in the domestic tourism industry - because I'm all for Australians seeing their own country as it really is. Come to that, ask me - no the cost of fuel is not prohibiting people from travelling to this part of the world, yes, it does come up for discussion - but in 9 years it always has been part of the conversation. But so does which brand of tyre is the best!
AnswerID: 169546

Follow Up By: Mr Fawlty - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:57

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:57
Ruth, an impertinant question if I may.... Where & how do you get your milk?? not exactly dairy country out there...Nor is it on the "Main Road"...
FollowupID: 424865

Follow Up By: PK Eildon (VIC) - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:09

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:09
Must agree with you Ruth. I am in the regional tourism market like you, and it is a load of old cobblers. Some of these current affairs programs seem to have people trained to accept "surveys" at face value. I would immediately ask, who produced the figures, why, how and what benefit could they derive from the outcome. Sounds to me like someone after tax payer money. What is this tourism budget? The bombings in New York caused tourism decline, so the answer was to pump millions into the tourism budget. Guess what, it worked :) After people satisfied their concerns by watching TV for a month and got sick of it, they returned to their normal pattern. DUH!!!!. Who ends up with this budget? I don't know, maybe it keeps the marketing and advertising markets happy, after all they seem to be experts at producing these surveys.
FollowupID: 424871

Follow Up By: Patrolman Pat - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:10

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 19:10
The cost of fuel won't stop me getting out and about Ruth. It might mean one stubby less around the campfire, chops instead of steak but in 7 weeks time I'll be buying fuel in the UK that is far more expensive than we pay here. It's all relative, if I need fuel I'll buy it at whatever it costs and make sacrifices elsewhere.
Might even stop buying bottled water.
FollowupID: 424872

Follow Up By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 08:36

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 08:36
Thanks for the support, guys.
Now, Mr Fawlty :
Milk - from Adelaide or Port Augusta cows - once per fortnight.
Meat - either from Quorn SA or Quilpie Qld (800klms or 640 klms) - once per fortnight
Bread - local Bakery, mostly Quilpie Bakery Qld (640 klms)
Woolworths/Coles - Adelaide (locals use credit card and purchase shopping via fax) - once per fortnight
Fresh Vegetables & Fruit - for me from Rocklea Markets in Brisbane (once per fortnight - two lots of freight, that is rail to Quilpie, then triple roadtrain to here and takes from 4:00 a.m. Monday till it gets here and todays Saturday and the truck still isn't here.
Store in town buys F & V via Adelaide. (I hear you asking why don't I buy from Adelaide only one lot of freight (yes I do sometimes) - well, I'm a Queensland girl and apart from knowing where to buy from I found that F & V bought from Adelaide mostly comes from Queensland anyway. (My F & V man said bananas this week are $95 per case - works out to $2.50 per banana. I didn't think that was so bad - after all a banana in Birdsville WAS a $1.50 anyhow!!)
Dry Goods/Blankets/beds/furniture - Toowoomba (via rail and truck)
Alcohol (for husbands drink fetish) - Pub in Toowoomba (landed in cold room here with two lots of freight for $29/carton) (Yes, it does ponder the question about price of beer in town........)
Clothes/shoes/hairdresser/makeup - mostly mail order (Myer, DJ, EziBuy, K-Mart)
- except hairdresser, anyone passing through silly enough to mention career gets instant work (that goes for masseurs, chiropractors, barbers).
The orders are in two weeks ahead of when truck leaves and when it's busy you can easily get confused trying to buy from two States (very easy).
Eggs - forgot them, they come from chooks bums either in Qld or South Australia (but there is a difference when you cook with them, only small but noticeable).
Needless to say, one drop of rain and no truck - or at the start of the year with all the Mondays given over to Public Holidays - Queensland Rail can't run the train from Brisbane on a Monday (!!!!)so that throws things completely out of whack for half the year as we've finally managed to convince the Qld /SA trucks to come week about. There's the other problem with Queensland Rail in that the word Birdsville must look like Townsville on the freight docket and the last lot of our freight (new washing machines) were (finally) found up there so will now be 6 weeks since they were due to be here. Just part of the joy of life in the outback.
It's all fine and teaches you deep breathing and relacation methods because there is ABSOLUTELY nothing you can do about it, but except it, and kindly thank those who go out of their way to find it for you. To also give you the strength to explain to those with broken vehicles that it might be weeks/months before the truck can backload and take your vehicle to Adelaide/Brisbane.
FollowupID: 424974

Follow Up By: Patrolman Pat - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 09:21

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 09:21
Geez Ruth, I didn't appreciate how us city slickers had it so easy. I can't persuade my missus to move to country Victoria because it's too far away from the shops.
FollowupID: 424981

Follow Up By: Mr Fawlty - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 18:53

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 18:53
That is true isolation... You talk to people from Normanton and they go on about how isolated they are but they are only a days drive to Cairns over a reasonable sealed road...
I wanted to move to the coast, but SWMBO vetoed it because she says there are no Doctors there...

Is there any work in Birdsville for retired mechanical engineers?

Oh & one more question that is on all the blokes lips but they are not game enough to ask: What if a bloke needs "servicing"? Do " Femmes d' amour ah la cash" visit? I know they visit Pimba as I made the aquantance of one, in her professional role there, I'm eating a burger and this rather attractive brunette asks if she can join me and eventually asks me "are you looking for a girl?" After choking on my tucker I admit that "yes I would love to but alas SWMBO may return and I'd be in more strife then than Flash Gordon", she discreetly went looking for someone else to have a busness lunch with...
FollowupID: 425038

Follow Up By: Ruth from Birdsville Caravan Park - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 21:26

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 21:26
Ha ha Mr Fawlty, well let me see - most of our Shire Council staff (in the camps) work a 10 day fortnight and get 3 days off one fortnight and 4 days the next. It's only 700 klms to Mt Isa and I understand they have a good selection in the Yellow Pages (Coco is a favourite I hear).
One racetime about 5 years back I noticed some familiar town faces popping in and out of the park - 'Just visiting friends' they said and it took me a few days until the Gatekeeper took me aside and told there were two 'ladies of the night' working from the park and the fellas I knew had been a-visiting them. Next time I saw one I knew really well I threatened to tell his sisters if he didn't tell me what I wanted to know - which was $150 a time or $500 for the night! I was soooooo angry, because all I got out of it was her campfee of $6 per day! Ripped off. One was working out of an old broken down van and the other out of state-of-the-art 5th wheeler. What an eyeopener.
FollowupID: 425071

Follow Up By: Mr Fawlty - Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 16:30

Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 16:30
Strewth Ruth - $150 a go, well that is one comodity that is cheaper in Birdsville...I'm reliably advised that the going rate in Canberra is $350...Not that I have first hand experience I hasten to add... I have had certain offers made in relation to vehicle servicing that I, of course, declined only because Sybil would have killed me...
Now Coco - every bloke who reads this forum is now sitting there thinking "How do I ask about Coco's contact details without incriminating myself".
Basil notes Coco's name should he ever return to the Isa.....Alone.
Maybe worth consideration as an investment, set up a Cat House in Birdsville....I love it...think of the tourism potential! I have the grey Nomads & Nomadesses in mind...
You said milk was $5/2litres? Hmmmm well at my local servo it is $5.75/2 litres...So your milk is not that expensive...I remember not that long ago milk in Alice & Broken hill was reconstituted powdered milk....
FollowupID: 425189

Follow Up By: Footloose - Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 20:13

Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 20:13
I was targetted as a potential customer while have brekky at Maccas while travelling. Yes I was on my own (apparently that's the code). Yes she could share my table, it was crowded and I'm a gentleman.
But when she gave me the word, I nearly choked, thanked her for the invite and retorted that I wasn't exactly thinking of that kind of desert.
"I'll bet you are now, " she replied.

And Maccas used to be such an INNOCENT place !!
FollowupID: 425257

Reply By: Robin-Outback - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:57

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 18:57
Fuel is effecting us in business. Our guys used to go out for 6 days and come home now they stay 11 days and come home to cut down on fuel costs. They used to drive to the nearest town at night for meals now they have a freezer with prepared frozen sandwiches and evening meals they take out thaw and heat.
If we did not do this to cut the fuel bills by 40% we would have had to pay some staff off.
AnswerID: 169549

Reply By: Leroy - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 20:35

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 20:35
Its talked a little in the papers where we are but we already have many bookings for winter in July and Aug. I think people are still going to do what they want to do regardless of the price of petrol. I think the 'day trippers' are the ones that won't be venturing out so much and the locations that are a day trip from major cities.

AnswerID: 169567

Follow Up By: Footloose - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 21:08

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 21:08
I hope that I'm wrong, in terms of domestic tourism. But sadly, the full effects of fuel price rises have yet to be felt.
I've always said that the average ozzie will go without a few beers before going without his annual holidays.
It may well be that he has to cut back on both !
FollowupID: 424913

Follow Up By: PK Eildon (VIC) - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 14:08

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 14:08
I have learned in business to look after your own business and ignore the stories of impending doom. In the early days it caused a fair degree of stress thinking it would all go pear shaped, because all the 'experts' keep pumping how bad things are looking. I have come to the conclusion the experts are expert at getting themselves heard and noticed, but lack the substance to be able to do. They are theorists.
It would seem that most surveys are pulled out by marketing, media and advertising groups. Surely there would be no conflict of interest ????
I think people tend to tell surveyors what they think they want to hear, and actually do different.
Try telling your next survey the biggest porky pies you can, and I'll bet you won't even get queried. I do. We're thinking of starting it as a club sport around here :))
IMHO fuel prices will be lucky to cause a hiccup in the long term. There are many others things waiting in the wings that could effect tourism more significantly than fuel.
FollowupID: 424999

Follow Up By: Footloose - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:14

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:14
PK, optimism is the cornerstone of any business. I mean why would you be in business if you things weren't going to go well?
I do think that there's a huge difference between micro and macro economics. Being aware of what's happening in the bigger picture doesn't necessarily make you a theorist, for example the stock market.
And even theorists can make or break a market.
I'd have to disagree with your premise that the oil price won't harm domestic tourism, it will, certainly in the long term. We are in the middle of the third oil price shock and I'd suggest that in the short term much more than tourism will change as soon as business's capacity to absorb higher fuel prices is reached.
However I do believe that it may lead to a diminished reliance on dino fuel in the future.
This is one country that can't just hop on public transport to go to work or send its goods by rail instead. By now we should have been a world leader in alternative fuels, and I lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Federal Govt for its shortsightedness.
FollowupID: 425015

Follow Up By: PK Eildon (VIC) - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:38

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 16:38
I'll accept I am 1/2 wrong. Will happily agree to disagree. I dabble in stocks, and found success when not listening to experts. As for the Fed Govt, I consider it to be reactive, the nature of the beast, maybe its us collectively that are short sighted.
FollowupID: 425022

Reply By: foxtel - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 21:07

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 21:07
Well more food for thought, I'm doing a 11000km trip should use 1222lts. At 1.33lt avg cost approx $1625 when plan last year, now we looking at $1.60 avg cost approx $1955 in my D2 Td5. My expects to use 1571lts in 100 1hz so his cost have gone from $2089 to $2513 these increase mean we will have less money to spend in these towns and take less tours. Outback towns now rely more on the tourist trade more than every, even becoming the major income of some centres.

Whats cheaper discounted fuel or people on the welfare ?

AnswerID: 169578

Reply By: rooscoota - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 22:09

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 22:09
hey hey g'day

makes overseas travel look real inviting, doesn't help the domestic market but its a whole lot cheaper than stepping into our own backyard... i only hope that fuel prices go up high enough to really get the public that p!$$ed that they might stop bending over for the government to cop it harder than ever before.... i know theres not much of a choice out there but for crying out loud could the other side really do us over any harder than we're getting done now... billions of dollars surplus year after year and we're still getting ripped at the pumps....
by the way no dramas throwing $200 worth of diesel in my buggy every fortnight cause lil' johnny hardon's paying the bills anyways....

phew, that feels betterer

lifes a garden......... dig it

AnswerID: 169589

Follow Up By: rooscoota - Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 22:13

Friday, Apr 28, 2006 at 22:13
and no i'm not a dole bludger
FollowupID: 424930

Reply By: Mr Fawlty - Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 18:58

Saturday, Apr 29, 2006 at 18:58
Yeah... there must be something wrong when I can get 14 days crusing in Alaska inc. airfares for less than it costs to cruise from Cairns to Cape York...If your a skier its cheaper to ski @ Queenstown in NZ than the AustralianAlps... One has to wonder...
AnswerID: 169699

Follow Up By: Footloose - Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 20:19

Sunday, Apr 30, 2006 at 20:19
Crikey, that Cairns cruise must be exy !!
FollowupID: 425258

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