If you like 4wding at Newnes, NSW, i would read this........

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 23, 2006 at 22:59
ThreadID: 31099 Views:5960 Replies:7 FollowUps:6
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from the 4wd assoc site.



The greenies of the Blue Mountains have got together to lock up more land. Three small but influential groups combined to draw up the proposal. The Colong Foundation, Blue Mountains Conservation Society and the Colo Committee are groups widely despised by country folk and bush recreationalists.

Meet with us on 11th March at Bill’s Bunkhouse between Capertee & Running Stream. There will be signs at the gate. Discussion starts at 11.00am. Meeting convened by local identity, Col Ribaux and fully supported by this Association.

We are in the front of all this as they want to close down everything including our Spanish Steps lease and the state forests on the Newnes Plateau, along with other areas. Other groups are just as affected as us and we are combining with them on the 11th to discuss strategies with land holders and local politicians to stop this outrageous attempt to convert open public lands into new estates for the NPWS to lock us out of.

The area being put forward for lockup stretches from Medlow Bath to the Airly Glenlowan area. If they succeed, there will be an extended Gardens of Stone National Park, additions to the Blue Mountains National Park and two new State Conservation areas nominated as Gardens of Stone SCA and Western Escarpment SCA.

Rob Kelly

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