Kangaroo Island (SA) 4WD Tracks

Submitted: Thursday, Sep 15, 2005 at 21:39
ThreadID: 26489 Views:22076 Replies:2 FollowUps:4
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Hi all,
would appreciate if anyone knows of any reasonable 4WD tracks on Kangaroo Island.
Going for a week over Christmas and am looking for some options to get away from the crowds around all of the usual attractions.
I have spotted a few designated 4wd tracks in the Flinders Chase and Cape Gantheume areas.
Any feedback on these or other tracks would be appreciated.


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Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 01:18

Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 01:18

Just come back from a 4 day visit a few days ago.

Not sure what you mean by 4WD tracks. They are plenty of dirt roads and tracks on the Island to give you the experience of driving on unsealed roads.
The whole of the area north of the Playford Highway, (Bitumen) including the North Road that runs between Kingscote and Stokes Bay is unsealed track. During December/January there would unlikely be any rain so the condition of the tracks would be good, although some may be corrugated if travelled heavily.
We experienced a variety of driving conditions with some "boggy" sections. Really good fun.

Virtually all of the minor roads and a few of the more major ones running north-south and connecting the two east-west bitumen roads (Playford Highway and the South Coast Road) are also unsealed.

In Flinders Chase National Park, the West Bay road connecting the most western point of the Island to the bitumen would be a good one to do. I intended this "trek" but a few days of rainy periods had caused the closure of the track when I was there. The map shows a 4WD track from just out of West Bay running through the Ravine Des Casoars Wilderness Area up to the bitumen road at Scott Cove, near Cape Borda, which could be worth a try.
If you asked at the Rangers Station or Tourist Center within the Park, they should be able to advise you if its do-able at the time.

All in all mate, you should enjoy your trip. Plenty to see and do.

One really pleasant surprise we experienced.
We did the "tourist" bit and visited Admiral's Arch at the bottom of Flinders Chase, although the bride and I had been there before, many years ago.
We walked down to the Arch along the access path and was amazed to see literally hundreds of NZ Fur Seals and Australian Sea Lions in their colony, sunning themselves on every available rock and open space and swimming around in the water. At this time of the year the breading season was well under way and there were plenty of pups of various sizes mooching around and playing with each other and generally annoying the grownups, while waiting for mum & dad to return with a feed of fish.
We could have spent much longer than the hour or so we stayed there witnessing a truly close encounter with nature at its very best. At times we were only a few metres away from some of them.

We didn't bother with a trip to Seal Bay after this as one can only go on a guided (escorted) tour at Seal Bay in a Group and that was not for us.

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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AnswerID: 130344

Follow Up By: PandJ - Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 10:33

Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 10:33
Hi Sand man,

Thanks for the info, We are going over shortly for a couple of days. Went there for our honeymoon 30+ years ago so will notice some changes.
FollowupID: 384833

Follow Up By: DP - Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 20:33

Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 20:33
Thanks SandMan, good to hear from fellow Crow-eaters.

I was thinking more of tracks requiring 4wd rather than the dirt roads on the island. The West Bay to Scott Cove track will definitely be on my 'to-do' list. I can see another track that runs parralel E/W to West Bay Rd from the West End Hwy just south of Baxter Rd so will try to do a couple down that way.

Failing that; Shackle Rd looks as if it might be a nice drive through the wilderness area.

I'll have to do my homework and get a map that's got more detail than just the Kangaroo Island Secrets booklet!

Re Admirals' Arch seal colony - I visited this area playing tour guide for some back-packer friends at this time of year a few years back, and had a similar experience, watching the seals and pups high up on the rock ledges and in the clear pool below.

Cheers, Dan
FollowupID: 384914

Reply By: Member - Camper (SA) - Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 17:00

Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 17:00
18 months ago we spent a month camping around the Is. All we did was accessible in 2wd, and we were actively searching for challenges. I suspect that if you want to 4wd you will have to talk youself in with the locals and get access to private property.
The gravel roads however are well made but slipperier than most and often corrugated. We found 4wd and lowered yre pressures helped here.
To escape the crowds go to the west end to Flinders Chase and camp. Keep away from the bus routes and one-day-tourist spots.
You will encounter some wild places this way and have a ball!
AnswerID: 130435

Follow Up By: DP - Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 20:22

Friday, Sep 16, 2005 at 20:22
Thanks Camper for your advice.
Have been to KI a couple of times before and remember the "marbles" well. We're staying in units at American River as we will have our 1 year old son Cooper along for his first holiday, but will definitely be heading down that end of the island for a couple of day trips.

FollowupID: 384911

Follow Up By: navaraman - Saturday, Sep 17, 2005 at 09:03

Saturday, Sep 17, 2005 at 09:03
DP, We stayed in a cottage at American river a few years back and it's a great spot to stay. Nice walk along the river to a place called the fish factory from memory. My sons loved "Pauls Place" a farm/native animal attraction. Your 1 yo might be a bit young but it's well worth a look.

We did everything in a Falcon so obviously weren't looking for 4WDing at the time.

Patrolman Pat
FollowupID: 384956

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