camper trailer roof cables

Submitted: Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 20:08
ThreadID: 21887 Views:5195 Replies:5 FollowUps:4
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We have a 1997 magnum 340 coramal camper trailer and have noticed that the top part of the door sits on an angle and we were looking through old caravan mags. the other day and there was a letter there about the same problem. The answer was to adjust the cables, we have got to them and tried to adjust but there is one corner that doesn't seem to want to come up. Also when winding up the roof there usually is a clunk sound (it only happens once like soming is getting over ridden) and it seems quite stiff to wind up and down, but not sure if it's just the weight of the roof. hope some one out there has heard of this problem and might be able to give us something else to try to fix it.
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Reply By: Peter 2 - Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 20:17

Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 20:17
The four corner cables will come back to a central point.
On some of the Coleman campers and also other brands that point was in a metal trough under the floor of the camper.
The trough wasn't very well sealed and dust, dirt , small pebbles and water had built up in side rusting the various components and the length of threaded rod that the whole gizmo ran along. Eventually the whole thing jammed and some of the cables broke which meant a total rebuild.
At the same time the rollers at the top and bottom of each upright had bearings in the centre which also siezed, they were a non standard size and had to be sourced from coleman, not available locally.
The friend who owned it ended up making standard sized rollers to suit and cleaning of the trough and mechanism became a regular maintenance chore.
AnswerID: 105780

Follow Up By: gone bush - Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 20:32

Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 20:32
thanks for the answer, our camper has all the cables and winch on the inside but we will try to look at those bearings that you mentioned, just got to try and work out how to get to them up the top.
FollowupID: 362904

Reply By: brian - Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 20:53

Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 20:53
had similar problem wiyh my 420 magnum ended up being the pully wheels being made from nylon were being cut into by the wires had mine replaced with steel pullys
AnswerID: 105788

Follow Up By: gone bush - Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 21:05

Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 21:05
thanks for that thought, is that the sort of job that has to be taken to an expert or could my very handy hubby do the job?
FollowupID: 362909

Reply By: brian - Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 23:19

Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 23:19
If your hubby is handy he could probably do it,i paid $500 for new cabling and pullys and labour,forgot to mention when the cable cuts the rollers it also damaged the cable,jamms in rollers makes roof harder to raise due to increased drag.
AnswerID: 105812

Reply By: muzzgit (WA) - Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 23:23

Friday, Apr 08, 2005 at 23:23
I have a jayco windup camper which has the same windup setup as yours.

The clunk your hear is just the cable rolling over itself because it doesn't have a guide, like a winch, to guide the cable on. Nothing to worry about.

I t is exactly the same hand winch used on small boat trailers. If you've ever seen one of these in use, you'll know what I mean.

Some are very hard to wind up, others are very easy !! Mine is a piece of cake to wind up, it's 12 years old and has been everywhere. My mate has one 5 years old and his is a real bugger of a thing, winding up or down !
AnswerID: 105813

Follow Up By: willys - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 06:22

Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 06:22
I have a 04 jayco penguin which also gives a loud clunk as you wind it up and is fairly easy to wind. My problem is that it won`t wind down straight and i normally have to push one corner down when fully down.
I don`t know if it is a winch problem or the roof is out of line.
FollowupID: 363030

Reply By: tonysmc - Saturday, Apr 09, 2005 at 20:08

Saturday, Apr 09, 2005 at 20:08
Your handy hubby should be able to fix it and as the others have said the rollers can wear and need replacing. I am not sure how you adjusted the cables, so I might be telling you what you already know, but if you wind it up and cut 4 bits of wood the same lenght to fit in the gap and hold your roof in the right position, you then pull all the cables tight and you shouldn't have one corner sagging. If you still cant get that corner higher, cut the other 3 corner bits of timber a little shorter until you get it right. I know that Jayco did have a problem with one of the corners, in that the cable would cut into the tubing (that the 'flexible spring' that pushes up the roof goes into) and this either made that corner sag a little, harder to wind up or cut the cable on that corner. That was some time ago and I dare say it would be not a problem with the newer poptops.
AnswerID: 105924

Follow Up By: gone bush - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 11:17

Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 11:17
thanks for your advice, we did try with four bits of wood all cut exactly 1 metre in lenth, then adjusted the cables. then on winding it up again the same corner was still 1/2 an inch higher than the other 3. it doesn't seem to matter what we do that corner is different. the roof isn't really hard to wind up and down but feels stiffer than it has done in the past. Our next step is to check all the areas that the cable feeds through and hope we can come up with an answer. Thanks to all that have tried to help.
FollowupID: 363050

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